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July 31, 2006

47: Quickly Making Audio Comments Podcast Ready

47: Quickly Making Audio Comments Podcast Ready

I walk the listener through adjusting a voicemail comment from a scratchy, noisey sound bite to a smoother sounding clip ready to use. Dave explains some features that are in  (Free shipping at ) also Dave is using in this issue.

I walk the listener through adjusting a voicemail comment from a scratchy, noisey sound bite to a smoother sounding clip ready to use. Dave explains some features that are in Sony Sound Forge (Free shipping at Same Day Music ) also Dave is using Castblaster in this issue.

I also talks about cleaning up those listener calls from and Kall8 he exaplains how make two quick passes with a noise gate and EQ you can get these sounding smoother for your podcast.

Last 5 in 5 Courtesy of Rich Palmer of Audio Gumshoe ( )

1. The One Minute How to - learn anything about anything

2.Bucket Podcast - Couple Cast By Newlyweds

3. Out of Order Po - Out of order things in the world

4. Managing the Grey - Makreting Tips

5. Perfect Head PW Fenton's new Podcast.

P.S. I notice an above normal amount of his when I turn on my mic...