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Feb. 26, 2007

76 Free Podcast Promotion Tools

76 Free Podcast Promotion Tools

Dave follows up on last week's show with some tips from Don Lewis of and Sallie from as we try to remove hum from a non-skype call. Dave is using a
Dave got a free subscription to . They have some interesting articles on blogging for money,...

Dave follows up on last week's show with some tips from Don Lewis of and Sallie from as we try to remove hum from a non-skype call. Dave is using a Ground-Loop Isolator

Dave got a free subscription to Website Magazine. They have some interesting articles on blogging for money, website promotion and more. The best thing is you can read it online, or have it deleivered free to your door. To get your subscription go to

 One of the resources I found in the above magazine is Traffic Swarm. While I'm not crazy about sites like these, I will say I have received a small bump in traffic to my site. So if I have to put up with an annoying start page, I can deal with that.

 Dave also talk about the closing of a podcast directory he started a while ago, but it had been hacked, and had multiple issues over the years. He now has as a cross promotion tool for podcasters only.

Should podcasters put their contact information at the begining of their show (and possible make their first minute of their podcast bland - while getting their contact information out), or put it at the end of their podcast (thinking that only fie hard lsiteners would make it this far, and its only die hard listeners who contact the podcaster anyway..)



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