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March 16, 2015

Amy Schmittauer - Does the Work in a Savvy, Sexy, Social Way

Amy Schmittauer - Does the Work in a Savvy, Sexy, Social Way

Amy Schmittauer - Does the Work in a Savvy, Sexy, Social Way

Does it matter  where you host your media if it's an actual media host? What is Amy Schmittaur behind the camera? What kind of downloads can I expect from my first pdocast episode? If my show is really bad, what can I expect? All of these questions are answered in today's School of Podcasting's Morning Announcements episode 453.

Dave's Thoughts on Spreaker

Colin from Canada asks, "What are your thoughts on Spreaker? Is it too crowded, what do you think of their sound quality?" I've spoken about podcast media hosts in the past, and a few years ago I was not a huge fan of Spreaker. I was contacted by the head of Spreaker, we got on Skype and since then they have continued to add more and more features to their platform. They use to rename your file, tweak your ID3 tags, and there was no way to redirect your feed. Those objections have been solved. Do I have any objections to Spreaker now? Only one (and it's a small one). Both and have the ability to have an unlimited back catalog. Spreaker allows you to have a HUGE back catalog, but in the end, there IS a limit (510 hours - thats a lot of episodes - for $20 a month).

Your Host Won't Get Your More Listeners

So many people thought that having their podcast on SoundCloud would bring them more audience (in my circles it brought in an additional 3%). While Spreaker does have a thriving community, in the end don't look to your media host to bring you an audience - you need to do that on your own.

What Kind of Numbers Does a New Podcast Get?

Last week I released an experiment of mind call Podcasting For Free. Episode 4 got 33 downloads in a week. Another experiment I did was trying to make the absolutely worst podcast. I think I succeeded as the first episode released in 2013 still only has 8 downloads. Downloads will always be based on your topic, genre, and background. We have tools to help you shape your content at the School of Podcasting.

Amy Schmittauer Jumps Into the Podcasting Pool (With No Makeup)

Amy Schmittaur is the force behind Savvy Social Sexy. I found Amy on YouTube and I love her sarcasm, and her content. For me, that's an unbeatable combination. In today's interview we discover: 1. Amy is actually shy when the camera is turned off 2. People give you 8 seconds on YouTube to make your first impression 3. In the end, you have to do the work. You have to at least try. 4. Amy is out on her Sexy Savvy Social LIVE tour (see info). 5. The things Amy can do in a podcast that she can't do in a YouTube video. Here is Amy explaining the name of her brand. It makes me laugh every time I watch it (#imjustsayin')

School of Podcasting Members and Affiliates

If you are a members of the School of Podcasting and School of Podcasting Affiliates we have MOVED platforms (I am now using Value Addon for my membership site). If you have not received your new login information, please visit the Help Desk, and let me know. If you are an affiliate, you need to sign up to continue to be an affiliate (it's free, and easy), and your old affiliate links won't work after the end of the month.

Mentioned on the Show

Serial dowload numbers

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