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Oct. 5, 2015

Are You Missing the Low Hanging Fruit - International Podcast Day Recap With Steve Lee

Are You Missing the Low Hanging Fruit - International Podcast Day Recap With Steve Lee

Are You Missing the Low Hanging Fruit - International Podcast Day Recap With Steve Lee

Got Feedback? Call 888-563-3228 and get your voice on the show.

The top two things I heard from clients consists of:

  1. How do I increase interaction
  2. How do I grow my audience

Increasing Interaction With Your Podcast Audience

  1. Show up. Do you best to create a consistent schedule. If you show up, then they will make you part of their routine. This isn't mandatory (Dan Carlin is awesome and put out an episode every few months), but I would consider it best practice.
  2. Have someone who has never been to your website try and contact you. I AM AMAZED and people who do not have a page with a CONTACT link. Don't get cute and make it "buy me a cup of coffee" or "Interact" make the button/menu item say CONTACT. Why? Because it is what people are looking for.
  3. Let them choose the method of interaction. You can see if you go to my contact page that you can email me, call me (using ), or use the speakpipe button. You're choice. I've eliminated any reasons that you might have to contact me.
  4. One way to increase interaction is to ask for some. That's right, ask. If you want to know what they think, make it the last line of your show notes and ask them to leave a comment on your website or you can do what Michael Hyatt does and point them to his Facebook page. He who doesn't ask, doesn't get.

How Do I Grow My Podcast Audience?

I've spoken about this in numerous episodes: see here, here, here , and here . You need to Make contact that impacts your audience, GO to where they are, make friends, tell them about your podcast). Today I want to throw in something I am again not seeing on websites.

  1. A play button. If you want people to listen to your show give them a play button. This is one of the reasons I like Appendipity themes. If you want it, you can have a GIANT play button at the top of your page (see for an example). People are not going to get hooked on your content if they can't find it.
  2. When you create content that impacts your audience, they are going to want to tell their friends. Make sure you have buttons that make it easy to do it RIGHT NOW. There are tons of plugins that can add share buttons (they are built in to the Appendipity themes). One of the best plugins is Social Warfare. This plugin is super functional and SMART. You can specify exactly how things get shared on the Internet. Another feature rich sharing plugin is Monarch from Elegant Themes if you are looking for a free tool, check out sharaholic in the Wordpress directory.

International Podcast Day Recap

Today we talk with Steve Lee of Modern Life Media and the co-founder of International Podcast day (Dave Lee, Steve's son is the other co-founder). Today we hear from Steve how:

We had a much more global audience with people from around the world joining in on a live 30 hour live streaming podcast.

Apple was involved and was tweeting out items this year

Many communities were "doing their own thing" to promote International Podcast Day.

Thanks to Steve and Dave for giving us a central spot to "start the conversation"

Podcast Rewind

I recently appeared on the PodupPod Podcast

I appeared on the Moneycast talking about my different revenue streams and my book More Podcast Money

Podcast News

According to a new report released by comScore, almost one-third (29%) of adults with smartphones listen to a podcast at least once a month.

In the 18-34 year-old range, the figure rises to 41%.

The data indicates that 18-34-year-olds are more likely than the average smartphone-owning adult to listen to podcasts on their device at least once a week, 26% vs. 18%.

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