My last day at Libsyn was July 12th, 2024. I'm starting a new chapter in my podcasting career, and so to announce the next chapter, I thought it might be fun (and maybe inspirational? ) for newbies to see what is possible with a podcast. Last week I talked about my journey through technology. I explained that where I am now is NOT where I started and it took years to get here. Today I'm talking about the most important benefit of podcasting (and it's not money, or fame). It's relationships.
You will see that one teacher gave me a nudge. Once I started podcasting (because it was WAY HARDER in 2005), when I wasn't working on making GREAT content, I was working on growing my network through relationships. I am still in contact with many of those today.
You are seen as an expert (no matter if you want to be or not) and that positioning leads to opportunities. Those opportunities lead to relationships. Those new relationships lead to more opportunities. If you DON'T QUIT, the wheel keeps turning. It does not happen overnight, and it might take years. Some might say I have first mover advantage. Let's say that is true. So did a whole lot of other people. There is one big difference. I didn't quit. I'm still here.
I had Spreaker, Blubrry, and Libsyn representatives on my show. I would see these people at events. Your podcast can be a digital resume. When the New Media Expo needed a new head for their podcasting track, all of these hosting companies had one name they recommended: Dave Jackson.
Got Feedback On This Episode?
I'd love to hear what you thought about this episode. If you have a minute or two, it's less than five questions and works great on your phone or computer.
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Per Jacobs Media, 70% of Podcast Discovery comes from word of mouth. With this in mind, what was the last thing you recommended to someone, and (more importantly) why? (This doesn't have to be a podcast, but if it is cool!). I need your answer by July 26th, 2024. Don't forget to say the name of your show, your website address, and a little bit about it (your tagline, etc). Don't have a website? Order a domain at
Click Here to Upload/Record Your Answer
I'll be speaking at Podcast Movement in Washington DC August 19-22.
Ecamm Creator Camp October 15-18 in (Bostonish MA)
I look forward to seeing you all, please come up and say hi. To see my full itinerary, go to
Want me to speak at your event or online meetup, contact me here.
Mentioned In This Episode
Join the School of Podcasting Community
Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame
The Messengers: A Podcast Documentary
The Audience is Listening - Tom Webster
Mentioned in this episode:
Question of the Month: What Would You Like to Hear in the Show?
Based on the book "The Audience is Listening" by Tom Webster I'm asking "What topic would you like to me to cover on the show. Don't worry if I've covered it before. What is the first thing you think of when I ask that question (what do you want me to talk about). I need to hear it. I need your answer by 8/23/24 and don't forget to mention the name of your show, tell us a little bit about it, and your website so I can link to it.
I'd Love To See You in Person
I'm always going all over the world talking about podcasting. If you're at these events let's make sure to connect. You can check my full schedule at the link below (and have me speak at your event).
00:00 - None
00:00 - Because of My Podcast.
03:11 - The Biggest Benefit
03:52 - My First Podcast
06:19 - You Should Do More of That
08:37 - Back to the Basement
09:15 - Marcus Couch
10:01 - First Mover Advantage
11:35 - Cool Interviews
12:48 - 2005 School of Podcasting
13:42 - You know Podcasting?
14:25 - Next Education Job
15:08 - 2006 Today in Podcasting
16:31 - 2008 Mentioned in a Book
17:01 - Building Relationships for YEARS
18:39 - 2012 Podcasters Roundtable
19:57 - More Podcast Money
20:13 - 2014 Podcast Movement
20:40 - New Media Expo
22:21 - Grew My Network
22:48 - 2015 Podfest
23:47 - 2016 Hired at Libsyn
25:17 - Global Gigs
25:30 - My Audience is Everywhere
25:56 - 2017 The Messengers Documentary
26:37 - 2017 Best Technology Podcast
26:42 - 2018 First Roasted
26:50 - Austraila We are Podcast
27:21 - Hall of Fame Call
28:27 - Social Media Marketing World
29:08 - Playing with Pink Floyd
29:30 - 2019 Book Deal
30:16 - 2020 Book Published
30:35 - Best Technology Podcast Again
30:41 - Company Consulting
31:14 - 2023 Sharing the Stage With the Podfather
31:32 - Podcast Influencer of the Year
32:04 - 2024 Leaving Libsyn
33:19 - Taking My Talents
33:28 - Why Dave?
36:40 - Why I Said Yes
38:38 - The Pitch
40:16 - Fate?
41:05 - Coaching Opportunities
43:20 - A New Podcast is Coming
43:43 - What Dave is Doing Now
45:15 - School of Podcasting Stays the Same
46:54 - Working In the Community
47:48 - Dave At Events
50:51 - Live Appearances
51:47 - Questions of the Month
51:50 - You're Good - You Should Do More of This
53:48 - Let Me Help You
54:16 - Coming in the Future
55:15 - I'd Love to Work With You