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Feb. 9, 2015

CEO of Podcast Funding Platform Joyride Jeff Chen

CEO of Podcast Funding Platform Joyride Jeff Chen

CEO of Podcast Funding Platform Joyride Jeff Chen

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Today I interview Jeff Chen of the new Podcast Monetization Platform JoyRide. I also share some podcasting news, and my community comes out (thanks to the kind heart of Steve Stewart) and wishes me a happy birthday as I turn 50!.

Joyride has been mentioned in Forbes, Market Watch and many other publications as they just launched in December of 2014.  According to one article, "JOYRIDE allows users to search over 100,000 different podcast shows in a variety of categories, and is seeking to convince podcast listeners to donate a monthly fee to their favorite programs. JOYRIDE is one of several companies GOOGLE is using for its developer program for ANDROID AUDIO, a version of the operating system developed for smart cars.

How Much Does Joyride Cost?

It's free to sign up, and their website states, "Joyride charges 5% in fees plus credit card processing fees of 2.9% + $0.30 per contribution." When I asked Jeff if there was a fee for removing your he replied via e-mail, "Hi Dave. Nope! Those are the only fees we charge!"

With this in mind,  when a listener donates $1 to you take home 62 cents and joy ride takes 38. If someone donates $3 you receive $2.46 and Joyride keeps .54 (that 30 cents per transaction really seems heft when you are only receiving one dollar - so make your rewards good enough to inspire people to pay more).

How Does Joyride Differ from Patreon?

The biggest difference is JoyRide can work on YOUR Site (so you don't have to send people to Patreon currently takes fess on the money coming in, and they also charge a fee when you remove the money. They go into great detail on their website, and as some people pay with paypal, and other use a service called stripe, it is somewhat difficult to understand. I appreciate Patreon trying to give as much as possible, but it seems to add a certain level complication into understand exactly how much you're going to make. I am testing patreon if you want to see my current efforts.

How I Plan on Testing Joyride

On Saturdays (10:30 am) I host the "Ask the Podcast Coach" we do an hour long show, and then typically another 30 minutes "off the air." We are going to start a JoyRide campaign for those who want to hear the additional 30 minutes. I realize, that podcasting is a small niche, but it should be interesting to see how this works. I will be documenting the process along the way.

For more information go to

Happy Birthday Dave Jackson

Thanks to Steve Stewart who rounded up a bunch of my friends to send in birthday wishes. These included:

Steve Stewart from Money Plan SOS

Darren Dake from the Coroner Podcast

Vernon from the Events Supremecy

Dr. Nina Savelle Rocklin from the Win the Diet War

Addie from the Do it Podcast

Hani from the Simple Podcast Press

Jeff Brown from the Read to Lead podcast.

Jonathan Chambers from the just luanched Missional Man podcast

Mark from the Oh Beep Podcast

Mike, Izzabella and Zara from Music Radio Creative and the Audio Production Podcast

Ralph Scott from the Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll podcast

Ryan Park from Food Crafstmen

Steve Stearns from Outside Health and Fitness

Wayne Henderson from Media Voiceovers

Ken Castler from Thinking Outside the Box

Elsie Escobar from She Podcasts, and The Feed

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