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Nov. 6, 2017

Creating Events For Your Audience Part 2 - Mark Deal

Creating Events For Your Audience Part 2 - Mark Deal

Today we are talking with Mark Deal who has grown Podcast Atlanta to over 500 members (). We get great tips on growing a local meetup, tips, and resources for better interviews, and how is creating podcasts for a living.  How Long Does it Take...

Today we are talking with Mark Deal who has grown Podcast Atlanta to over 500 members ( We get great tips on growing a local meetup, tips, and resources for better interviews, and how is creating podcasts for a living. 

How Long Does it Take Until Your Show Catches On?

George Hrab answered this question on his Geologic podcast, and George told me a long time ago that if I ever want to use a clip I could. George's show spotlights his life as the drummer of the Philadelphia Funk Authority, but also features George's Skeptic point of view with highlights on Science as well as the "Religious Moron of the Week."

George mentions that you shouldn't start a podcast to "be something" but instead make it because you can make something cool, interesting and fun. Make a podcast because you have a different point of view and it needs to be heard. It took him two years before an absolute stranger mentioned they listened to the show. As George says, "You're making something and that is more than most people."

Growing Your Local Meetup Group

Mark Deal runs podcast Atlanta and in 18 months his group has grown to 500+ members. In today's discussion you hear:

  • Not all 500 show up at the same time
  • The different formats of meeting he uses
  • What he's doing to grow the group
  • What didn't work in regards to growing the group
  • How a meetup group is not exactly the same a growing a podcast
  • How to pick a location
  • How he offsets the price of running the meetup group
  • How he got Gordon Firemark to come to a meetup
  • The typical breakdown of a meeting
  • How often they meet, and how they stay connected between meetings.
  • The pros and cons of Meetup vs a Facebook Group
  • The kind of "Special Events" they have
  • Podcast Guest Experts and the Podcast Editors Facebook Groups
  • What has happened because of hosting a podcaster's meetup (18:00)
  • Podcast Studio Certifications, and what he feels every studio should have
  • How he is making a living with podcasting
  • Having Alcohol at events
  • Other platforms he uses in addition to Faceboook, and Meetup. ( )
  • He makes money from Podcasting not Podcasters
  • Why he uses Steve Stewart to edit his show

Check out Mark at

Podcasting in Six Weeks Starts January 2018

  • Six weeks of group coaching and personalized attention
  • 1 Year Subscription to the School of Podcasting
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Be in the relevant Podcasting Directories by February
  • Direct access to me / Priority Email Support
  • Focus Group to Help Shape Your Idea
  • Your Podcast will Sound Great 
  • Erase Your Fear of "Sounding Stupid"

Go to for more information. Class Size is limited.

Want a more leisurely pace, check out the School of Podcasting.

Mentioned on This Show

Gordon Firemark (Entertainment Lawyer)

Author Inside You Podcast (ticketing for evens)

Social Media Marketing World

DC Podfest