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Nov. 19, 2007

Dealing with Negative Comments - Spam Free Phpbb

Dealing with Negative Comments - Spam Free Phpbb

In this episode I have input from a listener on how to stop robots ("bots" ) from spamming your phpbb forum for your listeners.
We also have an open in invite from George of the for anyone looing for exposure for...

In this episode I have input from a listener on how to stop robots ("bots" ) from spamming your phpbb forum for your listeners.

We also have an open in invite from George of the for anyone looing for exposure for your podcast.

I also talk about dealing with negative comments (and how not to lose your mind).

Simon has a forum at where he was getting hit by a spambot about every 20 minutes 24/7 Yikes.

Heard about this site "Projeckt Spambot" at which is a site that will spam you and then tell you how to set up your forum so that it can't.

Simon inplemented an "Anti Bot Question" which you can find out at This is where you iplementa question that a human would find easy, but a bot would have no clue.

He hasn't had any spam since.

Check out Simon Windisch of Shed Music at

George from is always looking for a co-host. 1,600 listeners a day!

When dealing with negative comments, remember that the worst, and the best, reviews are typically not accurate. Look for the comments in the middle.

If you would like to start your own podcast head over to or if you'd like me to "get you up and going fast" check out

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