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March 16, 2014

Defining Your Mission - Episode 400 Celebration - Theater of the Mind

Defining Your Mission - Episode 400 Celebration - Theater of the Mind

Today we take a look back at 400 episodes (you'll hear all the old intro voice overs and the progressions I've gone through), and we talk about when it's ok to tweak your format. We have a discussion with Erik K Johnson the Podcast Talent coach on...

Today we take a look back at 400 episodes (you'll hear all the old intro voice overs and the progressions I've gone through), and we talk about when it's ok to tweak your format. We have a discussion with Erik K Johnson the Podcast Talent coach on structuring your show, and writing a mission statement for your podcast.

Because of this Podcast - Rev. Kenn Blanchard [5:50]

Rev. Kenn Blanchard from Black Man with a Gun called in to let me know that he thanks THIS podcast for helping HIS podcast touch people. You can find Kenn's podcasts at and the

Student Testimonial from Gale [9:04]

Thank you for your School of Podcasting. I wish I had found it sooner I would've save myself thousands of dollars. I bought equipment and took a much more expensive class that was helpful, but I could've done it a lot cheaper with you. You taught me some finer points that I didn't learn in that other class. Some of the way things are done would've been better if I had followed your advice. Thank you f or answering my email. I know I've sent you a couple emails and we've gone back and forth, and you're always there and I appreciate it. If I know anyone who wants to podcast I direct them to you. Gale -

Managing Your Content Flow [11:30]

Erik K Johnson of comes on to talk about when it's ok to tweak your format. Dave remembers some occasions at churches when they've bent the format. Erik talks about creating a mission statement for your show. This helps you define what content you will (and will not) cover. If you use different resources, perspectives, and resources to cover your topic. As long as you continue to stay on topic. Should you put your "main" topic at the beginning or end of the episode? Eric feels that if we follow the format of entertainment shows, the big guests come on last. They are the finale of the show. People will wait to hear the big names. If you're worried about people not making it to the end of the show, then you need to redo the content at the front of your show. If you're doing an hour long show, you should probably be preparing for an hour before turning on the microphone. Make sure your content is on topic. Chit chat is ok, as long as it ties in with the mission of your show. Revealing yourself to your audience is critical, but if it's not on topic (like Dave's music today) then it should be left out.

Erik K Johnson Joins the Podcast Review Show [31:00]

Erik will be joining the Podcast Review Show along with my wife. If you are looking to have your show reviewed, this could be a great coaching session. Here is the flow: You pick an episode for us to review. We listen to it, and take notes. We get you online live and play our favorite clips, and part we think need tweaked, with you LIVE. It turns out being more of a coaching call then the previous review. Because we get that interaction with you, we hope to provide better feedback. Check out Erik's show planning worksheets.

The Abduction [38:39]

Dave's show is hijacked by a crazy morning zoo crew "Binky and the Whiz". Yes Corn Nuts is a real product. [41:20] Remember your show is global and try to keep your audience in mind.

The 911 Call [43:08]

Dave tries to get help from a slightly inquisitive 911 operate.

School of Podcasting The Musical [45:25]

For the fans of the television show "Glee," it's School of Podcasting "The Musical." Featuring the hit songs: My Feed is Not Valid Today Mr. iTunes I'm on Fire with John Lee Doomis Libsyn Rocks You'll laugh, you'll cry, it's better than Cats.

The Rescue [46:35]

You should always talk to your audience like you are speaking to ONE person.

The Conclusion [47:39]

You can use sound effects to boost the Theater of the mind. You can bring your stories to life. Dave's plays a clip of a 6 year old David Jackson playing radio. Thank you so much for listening, reviewing the show, for joining the conversation.

Dave Plays the Guitar [ 56:45]

If I was going to play some old music of mine, I wanted to play something that tied to podcasting. I picked the Song "Take Your Pain," as I want to help you avoid the headaches from spending too much money on equipment, and creating content that won't engage with you  audience. If you're looking to join the School of Podcasting, you can do so by clicking here. There is a 30 day money back guarantee.