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June 15, 2015

Do the Best You Can and Realize Some People Will Think You Suck

Do the Best You Can and Realize Some People Will Think You Suck

Do the Best You Can and Realize Some People Will Think You Suck

Quick Tip for Crowdfunding

When you find a tool to help your fund your audience (Patreon, JoyRide, etc) instead of sending those people to their website, use a pretty link and direct them to the page. Why? Because what if a better system comes along? You will have all these past episodes pointing them to a website that no longer is relevant. I lucked out once and I have a link to Audible. Audible change their company that handles their affiliate program so my link changed. By controlling your link, you can simply update what that link points to and your back catalog stays intact.

For Example: My Patreon page is and my Joy Ride page is

They Said I Was Nothing

Today I answer a question I originally Answered on Ask the Podcast Coach. It's from Elsie and Jessica from and they are wondering how to handle haters.

Here are some things to consider.

1. The Source.

Is this person a regular listener? If not, then let them go their way. They are not your target audience.

2. Do they Have a Point?

Is what they are criticizing you about have any validity?

3. Can you implement the changes without changing who you are, and the goal of the show.

If implementing these changes is very unnatural for you, or if it would change the dynamic of the show, then it may not be in the best interest of the show to put them in place. If you try to act a way that is not you, it makes podcasting a chore.

Do the Best You Can Do, and Sleep Well At Night

In my job as an instructor I get put into positions that were not made to conduct training.

Recently I was asked to teach a class on Excel 2010 where some of my students have had Excel 2007, and some has Excel 2013. Some had mouse skills, some didn't. Some could see, and others could not.

I did the best I could.

I try to live without regrets, but that can be a tall order.

Be Yourself

I crack jokes during my class to try and keep it entertaining. I teach a large amount of Microsoft Excel. It's primarily  number crunching program. Not exactly the most exciting. So by interweaving stories, jokes, and insights, it gives my students a "brain break" and makes the class go faster.

When my niece was growing up she was spooky smart. Why? Because she started learning playing computer games when she was 2. She graduate High School with 1/2 a degree from Kent State University. Why? Because she didn't realize she was learning. She was just having fun while Roger Rabbit taught her how to read on the computer.

Consequently, I try to do what I have dubbed "Edutainment." It's educational and it's entertaining (or at least not boring).

Someone Won't Like Your Jokes

Every now and then I will get a review from my students, and someone will comment that they didn't like something about my style. I'm ok with that, because in every class, in every situation, I try to the best I can with what I have at that time. I can sleep at night.

This week on Ask the Podcast Coach's post show, my co-host explained how he had a co-worker explain how they had found podcasts and were listening to Entrepreneur on Fire. She didn't care for John Lee Dumas (Blasphemy!) . Jim told her to try Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income. She enjoy Pat's style more. Is John's style wrong? No. It's different.

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