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June 3, 2019

Don't Worry About Things You Can't Control

Don't Worry About Things You Can't Control

There are so many things that are changing in podcasting that can cause stress as you worry. Some things you have no control over. You may need to take some steps, but after that it is out of your control.  Being Seen in Google Podcasts If you've...

There are so many things that are changing in podcasting that can cause stress as you worry. Some things you have no control over. You may need to take some steps, but after that it is out of your control. 

Being Seen in Google Podcasts

If you've followed the directions to set up your website, or you are using a media host like or Blubrry you are good to go. From there, you just have to wait on Google. 

Being Found In Apps

I have had people contact me about Apple, Spotify, iHeart and sure its only a matter of time until gets added to the list. Search in these apps is poor at best. Apple searches the name of your show, the name of your episode and the author title. If you have your target words in those areas, that is all you can do. 

Having Google Put Play Buttons In Search Results

At this point, I've done some research, and it sounded like if your show was in Google Podcasts, our show should appear with play buttons if someone did a search for your show. This (at this point ) only works about 50% of the time for me. As Google is still somewhat new to podcasting and this is a new feature, there isn't much for us to do. 

Should I Change My Intro?

As people may be clicking play on any episodes that appear in search results I don't tink ANY podcaster will have the answer they are looking for at the very beginning of the show.

What you want your show to do is pull people in by letting people know what is coming. If they see where you are going, the audience is more likely to get on board. 

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