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June 1, 2020

Fixing a Mistake in Your Podcast Episode

Fixing a Mistake in Your Podcast Episode

had a typo, and a mistake in the audio ( I said the deadline for June's question of the month was in February). Today we're going to talk about how to fix things when you make a mistake in your podcast. SPONSOR: Focusrite * Scarlett, now in its 3rd...

My last episode had a typo, and a mistake in the audio ( I said the deadline for June's question of the month was in February). Today we're going to talk about how to fix things when you make a mistake in your podcast.

SPONSOR: Focusrite

* Scarlett, now in its 3rd Generation, is the world’s best-selling USB interface range with over 3 million units sold worldwide
* Choose from 6 different interfaces with 1, 4, or 8 microphone inputs depending on the number of hosts and guests on your show
* Superior sound quality makes sure you sound your best
* Works with the recording software you’re already using
* Works with any type of XLR microphone
* Loopback on select units allows you to record Skype or Zoom calls directly into your recording software with no workarounds
* New unique Air feature adds brightness and presence to your voice

Check out the interface selector tool that helps you pick the right model for you at their website.

How to Fix a Mistake In Your Podcast

You publish an episode, and you're listening back to it in Apple Podcasts and then OH NO! You hear a mistake. What do you do?

Go back to the software you used to create the file and fix the mistake (re-record, eliminate silence, whatever the mistake was).

Then export the file using the exact same file name as the original.

Then replace the file on your media host (video below).

How to Fix A Typo in Your Podcast Show Notes

To fix a typo go to whatever tool you use to create your feed and remove the typo and save your changes. It will take up to 24 hours for the update to appear in the Apps.

What Happens if You Upload a Repaired Episode with a Different File Name?

If you upload your new "updated" file with a different file name, it will take up to 24 hours for Apple (and other apps) to update to see the new file (which means it won't work in the app).

Learn from Your Mistakes

Once you fix your mistake, don't just move on. Take a second and assess why this happened? Is there anything you can do to avoid this in the future.

I always listen to the episode (speeded up) before publishing it. Every time I don't - those are the episodes with the issues.

Do you have too much on your plate?

Are you trying to hit a self-inflicted deadline that may not be super important to your audience?

We all make mistakes, but smart people learn from their mistakes. REALLY SMART people learn from other people's mistakes.

Because of My Podcast - I Got to Meet Gary V

23:05 I've said in the past your podcast is not your business, but it can be your business card. Today Mike Simmons from Just Start Real Estate podcast explains how his podcast lead to him meeting Gary Vaynerchuck.

If you have a "Because of my podcast " story, I'd love to hear it.

Question of the Month

25:11 What guest would you LOVE to get on your show? (and Why).

Go to to answer by June 26th.

Don't forget to mention your show, and where we can find it (website).

The Truth About Transcripts

25:43 I've been saying that Transcripts are not the best solution for "show notes" as we don't talk like we write and we don't write like we talk. Yet some people preach how "more words equals more visitors." I was listening to the Marketing School show and Neil Patel (a SERIOUS SEO GURU) and Eric Siu (Major Marketer) explained how they paid to have really good transcriptions and it didn't do anything for their show. It's better to take the transcripts and work them into a blog.


27:23 ID3 tags are stored inside your mp3 file. People keep obsessing over them and the reason I've heard is they feel it affects their SEO. While apps are transcribing the content of the show for better search, to the best of my knowledge they are not looking at ID3 tags.

ID3 tags are only used if someone pulls a file out of the feed (for example they download your episode off your website and listen on their computer. ID3 tags used to have a much more significant place in podcasting, but this has diminished over the years. However, I still add ID3 tags to my files as it takes all of 10 seconds.

My Take on Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan got $100 Million. Good for Joe?

Joe is a content creator, and technically he's not a podcaster anymore (but the audience thinks he is...)

The big takeaway is Joe proved that GOOD content is valuable.

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