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July 4, 2016

How Glenn Hebert Does Morning Radio From His House - Couch Cushions Test

How Glenn Hebert Does Morning Radio From His House - Couch Cushions Test

Comments? Call 888-563-3228 Podcast Movement is Next Week I will be working Libsyn booth all week except for my Q & A Season on Friday at 10:15-11:00 on the Solutions Stage.  Please find me and say hello. I would love to meet you. Have fresh...

Comments? Call 888-563-3228

Join the School of Podcasting today

Podcast Movement is Next Week

I will be working Libsyn booth all week except for my Q & A Season on Friday at 10:15-11:00 on the Solutions Stage.  Please find me and say hello. I would love to meet you.

Have fresh batteries in your portable recorder

Have your business cards

Clean of the SD card

Comfy shoes and breathe mints are a must.

If you have a conflict between a session and a discussion, stay in the hallway and continue the discussion and listen to the recording.


Glenn Hebert likes to Hang Out With Journalists

8:13 Today is this third appearance of "Glenn the Geek" from the horse radio network. Glenn is making a living through his podcast, and a lot of hard work. Today we find out.

What mistake Glenn feels he has done, and wishes he could go back and change it

What equipment he is using the create his live show including callers.

He gives some insights into selling ads on your show.

His insights from Magazines, and how Glenn is now helping magazines in his niche get into podcasting. Not only does the magazine bring over their audience, but they also bring over their sponsors.

His biggest hurdle is booking guests

Why you should look at every problem as an opportunity.

Glenn is using Mixlr, Call in Studio, Google Sites, Audio Hijack Pro, Auphonicand he uses three separate computers. You can see when you add "live" to your podcast, your technical skills need to go up.

Glenn embraces the pressure that live brings, and he likes the feel.

Check out Glenn's Network at

Couch Cushion Experiment

43:50 An easy way to cut down on "room noise" grab the cushion from your couch.


You could purchase Milk Crate, Egg Carton Foam or you can just order one already built and save the time and effort.

New and Noteworthy Experiment

51:42 If you go to

Please rate, review, and most improbably subscribe to the Because of my podcast show.

I now have 65 ratings. I have a total of 559 downloads over six episodes with the highest episode being 171 and the lowest being 58

I'm on row 91 of the Technology > Podcasting category. I am still not listed in the "main" new and noteworthy. But I'm noticing a trend on who is.

Jim Norton - comedian

Kathy Smith - "famous" health expert

Chris Hardwick

The Dallas Morning News

Gimlet Media - Ebay podcast that's not about eBay

Michael Kosta- Comedian E! Network.

Mentioned in this Episode

The Messengers Documentary