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May 3, 2021

How to Find and Choose a Co-host for Your Podcast

How to Find and Choose a Co-host for Your Podcast

I reached out to you and asked how you found your co-host and you were nice enough to reply.  SPONSOR: School of Podcasting Audio Editing If you're stressed out about your podcast, and you're spending too much time, check out the School of...

I reached out to you and asked how you found your co-host and you were nice enough to reply. 

SPONSOR: School of Podcasting Audio Editing

If you're stressed out about your podcast, and you're spending too much time, check out the School of Podcasting Editing service. We have different variations to meet your budget. Go to

Tips in Choosing a Co-Host for Your Podcast

You want someone who has the same commitment (and support). 

You want someone who loves your topic, but might approach it from a different angle. You don't need a clone of you. We already have one of you. 

Make sure you all understand how things are divided up and workaround:
Money coming in
Podcast production
Podcast Promotion
Who is paying for what (money going out)
How do you get fired or quit?
What schedule is the show going to use (record some test shows to determine this)

Finding a Co-host

Today we hear how some people:
Ask other podcasters they knew

Ask family members

Asked bloggers

Asked their audience

You might consider starting your show as a solo artist which makes it easier to ask someone to join something that exists than something that is just an idea in your head.

Thanks To The Contributors:

Wayne Henderson from the Packers Fan Podcast ( and

Andrés Brenes from Colmillo Roquero ( a Spanish podcast about Heavy Metal)

Brent Bergherm from Lattitude Photography Podcast -

Fred Castaneda from Podcast Reporter ( and and

Roben Harris from Destinations Connections ( )

Matt Rafferty - The Author Inside You ( )

Josh Rivers 24 Faithful

Craig Wealand from Ingles ( )

Mentioned In This Show

Podcast Editing

Podcast Review Show

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