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Nov. 7, 2016

Lee Silverstein is a Messenger, and Guardian of his Target Audience

Lee Silverstein is a Messenger, and Guardian of his Target Audience

Lee Silverstein got a call on New years Eve to let him know he had cancer and needed Chemotherapy. Lee is the man that gave "The Messengers: A Podcast Documentary" film it's name. He is a messenger for his audience. He delivers stories that provide...

Lee Silverstein got a call on New years Eve to let him know he had cancer and needed Chemotherapy. Lee is the man that gave "The Messengers: A Podcast Documentary" film it's name. He is a messenger for his audience. He delivers stories that provide hope, information, and inspiration. Check him at out

Today's Show it brought to you buy Emerald City Productions

SPECIAL DEAL: Four episodes edited for $15/each. Then after that, it's only $40. They will edit out ums, etc. remove noise, adjust volumes, and make you sound fantastic. For more information go to

Lee Silverstein Delivers Hope With His Podcast

Lee Silverstein started a podcast that he wish he had when he was told he had stage four colon cancer. Lee has been battling cancer since he was five years old, and he considers himself more than "A podcaster," but a messenger. He delivers hope, information, and inspiration. Today we hear:

  • Feedback from his audience that brought Lee to tears
  • How Lee has secured three sponsors by finding products that fits his niche perfectly
  • How Lee had strict criteria for his sponsors
  • What pitch Lee uses to get sponsors.
  • A "Because of my podcast" story that you HAVE to hear.

Mentioned in this interview

Lee's Colon Cancer Podcast

Glenn the Geek from Horse Radio Network

Hear Glenn be interviewed on the Sop

Pofest in Orlando go to

Podcast Glossary "E"

Episode zero

Episode zero is a podcast episode that is often a simple introduction episode used as a placeholder as you need one live podcast in iTunes. 

In my opinion, I would do more than introduce yourself. We always want to deliver value in our podcast episodes, and right now your audience doesn't know you, and probably (to be honest) doesn't care who are what you are. They are asking, "What is in it for me?" Be sure to give them something that makes them wish there were more episodes.

Why My Eleven Years of Podcasting Sets Me Apart

I recently discovered another "Podcast About Podcasting," and was checking it out. I'm sure the host is a fine person that loves their family and wants to help their audience. Some people come into the space, and only repeat the favorite memes at the time and never go about checking if they are true. So I threw up in my mouth a bit when I heard them perpetuating the same old podcasting tips that are just wrong. This included

The Blue Yetis is a great microphone (it is if you are in a very, very, very, quiet room - which 99.9% of podcasters are not - so it's NOT a great microphone)

You only get 8 weeks to be in new and noteworthy (TV show podcasts go in and out of New and Noteworthy all the time)

You should launch with at least three episodes so when people subscribe you get three downloads (this is false. It does not happen automatically. Your listen would have to choose to download the back catalog)

My friend Ravi from Digital Access Pass as well as two podcasts ( about membership websites, and Cut to the Chase )has a new book out called Confessions of a Wanna Be Podcast Star that goes over many of the myths that a puked out over and over.

In the book he covers these myths and much more. Now for the record, Ravi uses a Blu Yeti, but thankfully in his book explains how you need a really quiet room (which he has). I was quoted quite a bit in the book, as well as other podcast consultants. In some cases, Ravi did his own investigation and provided screenshots to show the results of his research. I read it over two nights and found it an easy read, will be pointing people to it in the future when I see they have been sucked into the bad advice train that comes through the Internet on a regular basis.

Take Aways From DC Podfest

This was a great event for me. I met so many people who I had never met and were brand new to podcasting. The event was run very professional, and all the speakers were great in keeping to their time slots.

One of the coolest phrases to describe what we do as podcasters. We are digital influencers. Put that on your business card.

I heard about Amolto from Mathew Passy from which is a skype recording software for the PC (that I will need to check out).

Keep your interactions from Social Media. So for me, I had some people say some very nice things about my presentation on twitter. Take a screen shot and put those on your website. a cool site for Royalty Free images which I have added to This site has Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. All pictures were photographed by Ryan McGuire and free of copyright restrictions.

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