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Dec. 29, 2014

My Favorite Podcast Is... 2014 Version

My Favorite Podcast Is... 2014 Version

My Favorite Podcast Is... 2014 Version

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 I started this last year and I want this to be an annual event. I ask my audience, "If you could only listen to one podcast what would it be, where is it, and WHY do you listen to it. Thanks to everyone who sent in their answers. I want to thank Ray Ortega for alerting me to a post from Seth Godin that sates, 
“There’s no such thing as a niche that’s too small if the people care enough. If you think you need a bigger market, you’re actually saying that the market you already have doesn’t need you/depend on you/talk about you enough.You might not need a bigger niche. You might only need to produce more value for those you already serve.”

With people choosing the following podcasts over all others, one can assume they are delivering tons of value.

My Favorite Podcast Is

Nick Seuberling from "Inside the Jungle" who love the 606 Podcast. Its information he can't get in the US.

Ben From Modern Self Protection loves the Survival Podcast podcast because its energy, and inspiring.

Bill from the Media Fiasco  I would definitely pick the Mike O’Meara Show,  it always puts a smile on his face.

Cain from the Adventure Frequency podcast Adam Carolla show consistent, funny.

Daniel J. Lewis from the Audacity to Podcast and My Podcast Reviews likes the Business of Marriage because the topics fits Daniel like a glove.

Dr. Dave from Shrink Wrap Radio Psychology Podcast loves Mac Break Weekly to get up to date tips and news from experts.

Al from Whats Up On Earth loves the Podcast because its funny, and appealing and keeps him up on pop culture.

Erik from Podcast Talent Coach loves the Solopreneur Hour for their unique interviews that aren't like everybody else.

Fred from Skills in Screencasts and Podcast still loves the No Agenda show for its behind the scenes look at the Media

James loves the PFW in Progress is where James gets in depth information about New England Patriots football.

ValueJennifer from the Delightful Life podcast loves Live Your List Show because the hosts are entertaining, and its inspires you to be a better person.

John from  Writers Authors on Fire from Loves Entrepreneur on Fire because it keeps him positive and motivated.

Johnathon loves the Moment with Brian Koppelman. He loves in the in depth interviews that make him think.

Ken Casler of the Thinking Outside The Box podcast loves the Spark podcast. It entertains him and keeps him up on technology and he loves the hosts voice.

Kim from On the Table podcast loves Get it Done Guy (she also loves Starve the Doubts) for the entertaining stories.

Matt McWilliams from the World Changers Show loves Ray Edwards because its unique slant on business, faith, productivity, and family.

Randy Cantrell of Leaning Towards Wisdom loves Serial for the excellently produced masterful story telling. (recently parodied on Saturday Night Live)

Remi from the Sci-fi Movie Podcast loves the hosts from Bald Move Network who talk about numerous topics, and he follows their shows. They are fun, honest, and objective.

Rick from the Evolution Talk podcast loves Mysterious Universe podcast (he pays for their premium content) it allows him to escape and relax.

Scott from Karate Tournament Tips and Tricks loves The Unexplained with Howard Hughes its really interesting without being over the top.

Scott from Computer Tutor Podcast loves Dave Ramsey because he knows what he is going to get, and yet you never know what you're going to get. It's entertaining.

Stargate from the Legends of Shield podcast loves the Star Wars Minute for the behind the scenes, entertaining stories,

Terry from Discovering America loves the Jefferson Hour


As I listened to theses clips, I listened and made notes. When I put it all together, here is how it broke down. These are the qualities that people mentioned most. These numbers indicate (according to the 50ish people who replied) how important the following topics are.

If you combined funny and entertaining, that would be 47% (for me if I'm laughing I'm entertained). That would mean

49% Value (things I can use, easy to understand)
47% Entertaining/Funny 
32% Personality (objective, chemistry, authentic, objective)
32% "Deep Dive" (in depth information)
15% Behind the Scenes (info you can’t get anywhere else)
11% Inspiring (encouraging, kept me positive)
11% Stories (people love stories) 
9% Voice ("I love their voice").

I have said (since 2005) your podcast is not about you, it’s about the audience. If you are a radio station, your call letters are WIFT (what’s in it for them). Find out what they want and deliver it in an entertaining and encouraging fashion, and you will connect with your audience.

A HUGE thank you to all my listeners, but a special thank you to everyone who called in with their responses
