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Dec. 31, 2018

My Favorite Podcast Is 2018 Edition

My Favorite Podcast Is 2018 Edition

Sponsor: Focusrite I got to play with a  and if you are looking for an easy to get your microphone into your computer (and have the option to have a co-host as well) without having to look at a TON of knobs, check out the . As I'm on a...

Sponsor: Focusrite


I got to play with a Focusrite 2i2 and if you are looking for an easy to get your microphone into your computer (and have the option to have a co-host as well) without having to look at a TON of knobs, check out the Focusrite 2i2. As I'm on a PC, I downloaded a driver, plugged in the unit, and was ready to record. If you're on a Mac computer, you just plug it in.

If you want a backup copy of your recording, plug a cable into the monitor out and send the signal to your portable recorder.

It's built like a tank and is a lovely shade of red.

Check out the interface selector tool that helps you pick the right model for you at their website.

My Favorite Podcast Is 2018

CLICK HERE for a PDF featuring expanded descriptions and links to all the shows mentioned

Thanks to everyone who sent in their submissions. These are in no apparent order:

2:57 My Dad wrote a Porno - Sent in from Anna Seewald from Authentic Parenting - Parenting From the Heart

4:44 Assumptions Podcast (with an Atheist and Christian co-host a show ). Sent in from Alexander from Dear Subjects  (help Alexander build the new nation

5:32 Hardcore History Sent in from Arnie Chapman the Football History dude. Learn about the history of foot

6:57 Films on Trial (which has great debates, and is very unique) -Sent in from Brad of the Cinema Guys (they love movies!)

8:13 The Nolecast: Florida State football analysis - Sent in from of the Brandon of the Florida Focus Podcast ( A College Football Podcast)

9:26 The Art of ManlinessSent in from Chris Nesi of the House of Ed Tech Podcast (changing the way teachers teach )

10:43 Imaginary Worlds ( Sci-fi genre narrative ) Sent in from Dave of the DC Onscreen podcast (A podcast about the DC Universe, specifically on screen) 

11:49 Meet the Holifields ( a great, fun, entertaining behind the scenes of a married couple) Sent in from Eliquitie of the Travel Gluten Free Podcast (Enjoy Food, Enjoy Travel, Enjoy Life )

13:29 The Model Health Show  (variety topics in addition to fitness)- Sent in from Ernie of the Snooks and Lovey podcast (insights into a new married couple) 

15:10 Crime Writers On  (cause Haley just wanted more Serial talk) - Sent in from Haley Radke of the Adoptees On Podcast (Where Adoptees Discuss the Adoption Experience )

17:49 Cliff Ravenscraft Show Sent in from Josh of the Corner Cutters Podcast (all about Solving the Rubik's Cube in record time

19:04 Dave predicts Cliff will be a life coach back in 2014

20:00 The Remnant with Jonah Goldberg Sent in from Josh of the Saving Elephants Podcast ( conservative values with a mercifully modern twist ) 

21:39 Bill Bur's Monday Morning Podcast (it makes Josh laugh, best ad reads ) - Sent in from Josh Liston of the On the Bubble Podcast

23:39 Jody Mayberry Sent in from Josh Rivers of the Podcast Experiments Podcast

25:28 The Feed the Official Libyn Podcast -Sent in from Justin of the Optimal Living Daily (The Best Blogs Narrated for You Daily)

26:27  The Big Story ( In Depth look on Canada, in quick chunks) Sent from Mark Des Cotes of the Resourceful Designer Podcast (helping graphic artists/ web designers)

27:28 Uncivil Podcast ( an amazing mix of storytelling and conversation) Sent in from Mark Shapiro MD  of the Explore the Space Podcast (Examining the interface between healthcare & society)

28:52 The Newsworthy (a great short podcast with the latest news) Sent in from Matt Rafferty of The Author Inside You Podcast (encourage authors to write and publish their first book). Hear Erica on Podcast Junkies

29:58 Reply All (a show about the Internet) Sent in by Max Prescott from of the Aviation News Talk Podcast (General aviation podcast)

31:11 Free Field trainingSent in from Mike Wilkerson of the What Cops Watch Podcast (Go behind the badge).  Hear the review of What Cops Watch on the Podcast Review Show

32:40 The Bill Simmons Podcast - Recorded when Monica Rivera from the You Wanna Do What? (giving you the nudge you need) guest hosted on the Ask the Podcast Coach.

35:37 Philly Who? ( Amazing Interviews from Philadelphia People ) Sent in from Miss Ileane Smith of the Ms Ileane Speaks Podcast ( great social media tips) Ms Ilean might check out Twisted Philly

37:54 Online Marketing Made Easy (Amy Porterfield) Sent in from Natalie of the Unreserved Wine Talk

40:00 Without Fail Sent in from Randy Cantrell of the Grow Great (short business advice delivered daily)) and Leaning Towards Wisdom Podcasts. 

41:20 The Jeff Ruebin Jeff Ruebin show ( unique guests with great discussions) Sent in from Sandy of the Made in Museums Podcast (curious museums for curious minds)

43:05 Security Now Sent in from Garret of the Good Patron podcast (on supporting musicians) 

43:43 Case File (true crime) Sent in from Scott Johnson of the What was that like? Podcast (Real people in unreal situations)

46:08 Podcast Rodeo Show Sent in from Scott Orr of the Code 3 Podcast ( Firefighters Podcast) 

47:41 On BeingSent in from Gregory of the Collected Clan (conversational biographies of relatable people)

49:40 School of Podcasting (you'e looking at it) - Sent in from Stephen of the Mind Over Stress

50:33 Stacking Benjamins Sent in from Steve Stewart at

52:00 The Thomas Jefferson Hour (history podcast)  Sent in from Terry of the Discovering America

54:07 School of Podcasting - Sent in from Todd of the Keto Confidential (about the Ketogenic Diet)

56:13 You Wanna Do What? Sent in from Zack Demopoulos of the Rasing (pa) Rents (tips for Caregivers)

58:38 Speaking Your Brand - Sent From Zita of the Ritual Recipes

59:14 School of Podcasting - Win Charles

 Podcast Talent Coach - Sent From Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting

1:01:10 Broken Record (behind the scenes of music) submitted by Eric K Johnson from the Podcast Talent Coach show (helping you create engaging content)

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