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April 20, 2014

Podcast Deadlines - Friend or Foe?

Podcast Deadlines - Friend or Foe?

Podcast Success 

 stated that his  podcast launched November 2013 and surpassed the 400,000 download mark this week.
Podcast Spotlight The Small Business IT Show [2:49]
Dexter was a student in my Podcasting in Six...

 Podcast Success 

New and Noteworthy

Andrew Ferebee stated that his Knowledge for men podcast launched November 2013 and surpassed the 400,000 download mark this week.

Podcast Spotlight The Small Business IT Show [2:49]

Dexter was a student in my Podcasting in Six Weeks Class, and we take a listen to his Small Business IT Show ( Find it in iTunes.

Last 5 in 5 [6:10]

Today we get the last five podcasts that Chris from Voices of Candaian Leadership

Nurition Diva

Get it Done Guy

I M Talk


Your Website Engineer (hear my interview with Dustin )

Wordpress Plugins A to Z


You Audience Feels Giddy When You Put them On Your Show [12:00]

I've mentioned that you should always reply to every email and comment, and when appropriate put them on your show. Well last we I played a "Because of my podcast" story from Craig, and as Craig puts it, "I almost fell off the treadmill." That also points out that people listen to podcasts everywhere. 

Fining Places to Network [16:20]

If there are other podcasters who do similar podcasts, you might try searching for their name in iTunes. See if they have been interviewed on other podcasts. If they have, DO NOT go over and say, "I should be on your show." Instead take the time to listen to their show, or leave a VALUABLE comment on their blog as a way to break the ice. 

New Issue of Podertainment Magazine is Out [21:00]

In the new episode of Podertainment magazine, we have more great content from people like Rob Walch, Todd Cochran, Daniel J. Lewis, Jeffery Powers, and many other people on topics like recording your podcast, promoting your podcast, and making money with a podcast. For more information go to

Are Deadlines Ruining Your Podcast? [25:00]

A couple of weeks ago my Dad died on a Saturday. This is the day record and produce my shows. Obviously I passed on the podcasts that day, but returned on Sunday afternoon as a welcome distraction. I wasn't really prepared, but as I had not missed a show over the last 405 weeks I wanted to keep the streak alive. This is understandable, but stupid thinking. What would people say, "C'mon Dave - big deal you're Dad died the show must go on!"

I had a client who had decided to launch his show on a specific date. This is awesome. The bad news is you don't have 100% complete control over your podcast as its getting ready for episode 1. You may have someone who is doing the graphics, or recording an intro. Hopefully these people hit their benchmarks and delivery dates - but they may not. When I was involved much more with music marketing, I was amazed at bands who would plan their CD release party - when they didn't have the CD in hand (you can guess how that ended).

The Pros of Podcast Deadlines

It boosts your over all vision of how things will pan out. "This will be done on the 8th, then this will come in on the 10th, and then we finish on the 15th."

It allows you to put a pin in a date an work backwards to figure out where to start. If it takes four hours to produce an hour long show, and church starts at 6 pm  you better start before 2.

It lets you know if you are ahead of schedule so you can make informed decisions.

It creates a sense of urgency. It puts a fire under your butt. It adds a level of accountability.

The Cons of Podcast Deadlines

You can't predict how long it will take to be listed in iTunes. I would guess three days, but I've seen it take 24 hours, and I've seen it take 2 weeks.

You don't have complete control over ever piece (as I mentioned, graphics, intros and outros).

Not everyone thinks good under pressure

The difference between good and great is often that little bit of icing on the top that gets lost if you're in a hurry.


The Typical Podcast Launch Needs To:

  1. Choose a topic
  2. Choose host(s)
  3. Choose a name
  4. Choose a URL
  5. Purchase web hosting
  6. Purchase recording equipment
  7. Purchase and/or learn production (software)
  8. Order artwork
  9. Order intro/outro - find music
  10. Record a test show
  11. Record another test show
  12. Pick a format
  13. Mix down your recordings into one mp3 file
  14. Get feedback from someone not named Mom.
  15. Choose a schedule
  16. Tag your media files
  17. Order media hosting
  18. Upload them to your media host
  19. Write a blog post and attach your media from step 16
  20. Validate your feed
  21. Write a description that inspires people to listen
  22. Submit it to iTunes, Stitcher, and all the other podcast directories.

Deadlines help take your idea from a dream to a reality, but be sure to set realistic deadlines so they don't put too much pressure on you. 

Get Your Podcast Reviewed [39:50]

If you are looking for some unbiased feedback on your podcast head over to

 Podcast Questions Answered [40:45]

Where can I find a link to my podcast in the Microsoft directory?

There isn't a microsoft directory. They have an app for Windows 8, and it also appears in the Xbox. There are plenty of places you can list your podcast. Check the podcast411 website's Directory of directories?

How do I Have a Link That Just Shows Podcasts on my Website?

Add a category to your post in Wordpress. Then later under appearance go to men us and you will see where you can add a link to your menu that goes to all the posts with certain categories.