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March 24, 2008

Podcast Secrets 2008 - Six Figure Incomes with Podcasting

Podcast Secrets 2008 - Six Figure Incomes with Podcasting

Today my friend from Podcast Secrets is on the show. Paul is a full time podcast consultant and Internet Marketing guru. While we are all at work, Paul is out testing new technologies, new strategies, talking with other successful podcasters, and...

Today my friend Paul Colligan from Podcast Secrets is on the show. Paul is a full time podcast consultant and Internet Marketing guru. While we are all at work, Paul is out testing new technologies, new strategies, talking with other successful podcasters, and taking lots and lots of notes. Then once a year he offers a class (available at my partner link at ) where he reveals what he has learned.

Not sure if this call is for you? Then go to and find out about the call happening April 2nd (after April 2nd you can find out about the class) that gives you a preview of the information that they will be covering. This way you can decide if this class is for you. You see, Paul doesn't want you if you're not serious. This is for people looking to make a six figure income from Podcasting. He is going to be telling you how people ARE DOING THIS now (not how this might work, or this should be tired, this is how people are doing this in 2008).

So if you're interested sign up for the call at and send me confirmation and I wil lgive you a free month at the School of Podcasting. If you sign up for the class, I will give you a free year at the School of Podcasting.