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May 13, 2019

Podcoin App Pays Listeners to Listen to Podcast

Podcoin App Pays Listeners to Listen to Podcast

There is more money coming into Podcasting and Geoff and David Cook are hoping to get some of it by building a podcast app that focuses on helping you find new podcasts, integrate social ingredients (likes, etc), and pay you one podcoin (1-4 cents)...

There is more money coming into Podcasting and Geoff and David Cook are hoping to get some of it by building a podcast app that focuses on helping you find new podcasts, integrate social ingredients (likes, etc), and pay you one podcoin (1-4 cents) for every 10 minutes.

I wanted to find out more about this app. Podcoin was created by David Cook who credited the idea to a speech his brother Geoff Cook gave to Princeton University in April 2018. It’s not the first time they’ve been business partners. David and Geoff previously co-founded myYearbook with their sister Catherine in 2005. The trio then sold the company to Quepasa for $100 million in 2011.

It's been around since January of 2019 and currently has 15 million users that are consuming 1,500,000+ Listening Minutes PER DAY

For more information see

Find the app on Apple and Android

Fixing Mistakes In Your Podcast

You are listening back to your podcast and there is a mistake you HAVE to fix. Here are your options when using Libsyn

Thank you for contacting Libsyn Support

It gets tricky with Spotify, and Google Play Music.

If you upload a file with the same file name, all the other directories and apps up EXCEPT the two above. There are two options

Strategy 1

If you go to content > previously published > edit the episode

Then click on the Scheduling Tab and go to the advanced sub-tab

You will see the destinations. Uncheck Spotify, Google Play Music and click Publish (which acts as a save button).

Then rename your episode file, go to content > add new episode

Then click on the Scheduling Tab and go to the advanced sub-tab

You will see the destinations. Make sure to UNCHECK ALL of the destinations EXCEPT Spotify, Google Play Music and click Publish (which acts as a save button).
This will create a version of that episode just for those destinations, and the original version never goes offline.

Strategy 2

Go to Content > Previously Published > Edit

Rename your original file and use the replace option and click Publish (which acts as a save button).

The current apps will have a small amount of time when the file will not play (as the apps update they will see the new file name, but there may be people who go to play the file and it won't work (as it's still looking at the old name).

This can take up to 24 hours.

But the episode will update on all platforms.

What If I'm Not Using Libsyn?

The bottom line is if you upload the new file with the same name, then it won't update on Spotify or Google Play Music because they make

Question of the Month

What is your biggest pain in podcasting?

Go to and upload your file or use the speakpipe button by 5/24/19

Start Your Podcast Today