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Oct. 22, 2018

11 Things Podcasters Can Learn From Netflix

11 Things Podcasters Can Learn From Netflix

Today on episode 641, I'm in Australia at a conference but I'm still here giving you ideas and insights to help you with your podcast. I've been spending a fair amount of time on Netflix, and I've noticed something. Sponsor: – Get...

Today on episode 641, I'm in Australia at a conference but I'm still here giving you ideas and insights to help you with your podcast. I've been spending a fair amount of time on Netflix, and I've noticed something.

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You Should Run Your Podcast Like Netflix


130 Million Worldwide
4.2 million are still shipping DVDs
Projected to pay 7 billion for content
11 Billion in Revenue in 2017
23% of Us adults stream daily
70% of users binge-watch shows
A user avoid 160 hours of ads per year 6.7 days

6:38 They make it easy to get to the content and skip how the sausage is made

9:30 Many of their episodes leave you wanting more, and tease the next episode (see Making Oprah )

9:53 They aren't doing typical content, and they are being creative

11:47 They changed their format to fit their audience and their business plan

14:08 You should watch your industry and niche and see if there is a place for your show

17:35 They seems to be easy to work, they aren't jerks, with which is attracting talented people

18:55  They monitor what their audience is viewing and make similar content (including a teenage tangent)

22:41 You can get Netflix on ANY device.

23:10 Don't hire pedophiles and alleged rapists

23: 20 It doesn't always work.

24:14 They put out content to see if it works

BONUS LESSON: They charge for their service. Media hosts like anchor are doomed to fail as bandwidth is not free.

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