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July 30, 2018

13 Years of Proof That Podcasting Works

13 Years of Proof That Podcasting Works

Sponsor: Podcast Engineering School 2:42 Podcast Engineering School – next semester starts September 18th and runs through October 30th. The classes are live and Chris packs the 2-hour classes with tons of information Today I did a quick search...

Sponsor: Podcast Engineering School


Podcast Engineering School – next semester starts September 18th and runs through October 30th. The classes are live and Chris packs the 2-hour classes with tons of information

Today I did a quick search on for "podcast engineer" and saw quite a few options

Program Includes:

LIVE Interactive Online Training

Two Mentoring Sessions with Chris Curran

Major Discounts on Software and Plugins

Lifetime Access to the PES closed community

Certificate of Completion


My Induction Into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame

This past week I was inducted into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame. I am honored to be in such good company, and deeply grateful for all the kind words. In looking back at my 13 years I noticed a pattern:

How Podcasting Works

Valuable content leads to relationships that lead to opportunities. The key word is VALUABLE content. Then you have to work at relationships, and you need to take advantage of every opportunity. Look back I see how:

6:00 Who are Dave's influences? Dave Barry, David Letterman, and Dan Klass

7:59 Thank God I was bullied?

9:25 Hope for all the introverts

10:05 You learn from all your failures 

11:00 Content - Relationships - Opportunities

12:50 Dave's first podcast attracts Marcus Couch

14:45 Dave gets to go on the radio to explain podcasting to Music Business Radio

16:30 Marcus Couch invites me to get involved with Podshow. The Internet's first free podcast media hosting

17:25 Why it's not the tech

17:55 Dave tries to sound like Scott Fletcher of Podcheck Review

20:33 Why free media hosting drives me nuts

Podshow/Mevio 8/2005 – 4/2014 (116 months – 38.8 million dollars spent)
Podango 9/2006 – 12/2008 (27 Months) 7/2006 – 7/2009 (36 months) 2007 – 2011 (estimated 48 months) 11/ 2012 – 8/2014 (21 months before being purchased by panoply and taken off the market).
Opinion Podcasting 11/2015-10/2017 (23 months)

The average is 45 months. Take Podshow and the 38 million out of the picture and that drops to 31 (which is close to my typical answer of three years or 36 months) was started in August of 2015. If they make it 45 months that is May of 2019. If they go 31 months that would be May of 2018. So far Anchor has burned through 14.4 M already (see )

24:00 How I got the job as the director of the New Media Expo

25:57 Podcasters Roundtable shows embracing your competition

26:30 Podcasters Roundtable leads to me interviewing Jordan Harbinger

27:11 My relationship with Daniel J Lewis leads to me getting involved with the Membership Guys

27:48 Talking to Mike Morrison leads to me speaking at Social Media Marketing World

30:11 Podcast Movement and Steve Stewart leads to me meeting Glenn the Geek Hebert

32:50 Glenn invites me to speak at Podfest

34:22 Jared Easley introduces me to Danny Pena

36:16 My second trip to Podfest leads to me being interviewed

37:10 My interview, leads to me being featured in the Messengers a Podcast Documentary

38:16 My speaking resume made it easier to get more speaking gigs

39:20 Podcasting is like farming. You plant, fertilize, and harvest. 

38:50 It's not all about downloads. How my audience helped me through tough times.

42:48 Are you ready to work with Dave?

44:45 The one memory that bugs me from PM18

46:50 Daniel J Lewis from the Audacity to Podcast and Podcasters Society inducts Dave Jackson into the Podcaster's Hall of Fame

53:20 Dave Jackson's acceptance speech.