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Nov. 15, 2021

20 Tips To immediately Speed up Your Podcast Production

20 Tips To immediately Speed up Your Podcast Production

If you are looking to speed up your podcast production, then this episode is for you. I have compiled 20 tips that will help you take the stress out of producing a quality audio file in a timely manner. From planning to editing, here are some quick...

If you are looking to speed up your podcast production, then this episode is for you. I have compiled 20 tips that will help you take the stress out of producing a quality audio file in a timely manner. From planning to editing, here are some quick tricks that will make your podcast shine! 

Sponsor: Novel Marketing Podcast

A lot of podcasters plan to write a book but they don't know where to start. Our sponsor the Novel Marketing Podcast is here to help. Thomas Umstattd Jr is a wealth of knowledge and he can get you going in the right direction. Today we talk about the 10 commandments of book publishing. Check out

Mentioned In This Episode

School of Podcasting Quick Start

School of Podcasting Membership

Freedom Software



Fiverr Workspace Accounting Software

Text Expander transcription Service

Zapier Automation

Will Smith Book

First Things First book

(Free book on Audible)

Descript Software Media Host (sopfree promo code)


  1. Assess How Much Your Time Is Worth
  2. Take the Time to Get Your Guest Sound in Check
  3. Quit Multitasking
  4. Avoid Distractions
  5. Block out time
  6. More Planning Equals Less Editing
  7. Do the Hardest Stuff First
  8. Prioritize Better
  9. Speed up Researching
  10. Organize Your Content to It's Easy to Find
  11. Learn the Software You Are Using (Take a Class)
  12. Record it Right the First Time
  13. Listen Back Faster
  14. Learn Keyboard Shortcuts
  15. Google Vs Bang Your Head Against the Desk
  16. Know WHO your guest is and WHY You are bringing them on the show
  17. Outsource Your Editing
  18. Automate When Possible
  19. Use Transcripts to find clips for audiograms.
  20. Deep Breathing when pulled out of your zone


II need your answer by 11/26/21. How long does it take you to go from idea to published on an episode. 

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