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April 20, 2020

300 Percent Growth in Business Revenue - Wealth Without Wallstreet Interview

300 Percent Growth in Business Revenue - Wealth Without Wallstreet Interview

Russ Morgan and Joey Mure from Wealth Without Wallstreet

Podcasting Goes Over 1 Million Active Podcasts

According to the Site My Podcast Reviews, there are now over 1 million active podcasts. They define “active” as any podcast that has published at least one episode in the last 90 days, and “inactive” as any podcast that has not published any episode in that same time." So what does this mean?

  • Podcasting is not a fad
  • Podcasting works
  • Podcasting is continuing to grow

Does this mean you are too late. NO! Really podcasting is just getting warmed up. There is still 30% percent of the US that hasn't listened to a podcast yet.

Wealth Without Walstreet's Russ and Joey Discuss How Podcasting Boosted Their Business

Today we are joined by Russ Morgan and Joey Mure from Wealth Without Wallstreet. This interview was done during a pandemic, children were home from school so my guests Joey and Russ retreated to their closet and to their car to find a quiet place. You have to use what is available and if that is a phone line- that's what you use. This had some great takeaways

07:27 Starting with no real plan

08:44 The Original Community

10:14 Community Tools (Mighty Networks)

11:26 Podcasting Enhanced Their Services

13:03 Behind the Scenes of the Community

16:10 How their business has changed

17:58 Their Prospects are Better Educated

19:39 How do you know your podcast is good?

22:15 How Do They Choose Their Topics

25:57 Because of My Podcast

29:31 Things That Didn't Work

34:32 Special Deal from Russ and Joey

38:06 Question of the Month Reminder

39:31 Ready To Start You Podcast?

44:04 Bloopers

I love that they built a place for their community to find out what they needed (using Might Networks) and they invited their guests to do open Q&A and invited them into their community.

You can join their community and take charge of your finances by going to

Podcast Quick Launch Back Open

As I only allow so many people in the mentoring program at the same time, it was not available for a little while. Those people have gone through the program and it is not available.

Click HERE for more information.

This Month's Question

For April, “What do you use to create your podcast?” This could be hardware, software, business tracking, organizational if you use it in some capacity with the creation of your podcast.” We need your answer by April 24th, 2020. Go to

More Detailed Notes at