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Feb. 22, 2016

5 Voice Related Tools for Engagement and Podcast Promotion

5 Voice Related Tools for Engagement and Podcast Promotion

Using the Right Tool for the Right Audience

Because of my Podcast: I'm Working For Libsyn - Dave Jackson

A couple of weeks ago I let you know that my "Day job" had gone away. A little update on the story, I reached out to the head of HR only to find she no longer works there, and I got an email stating that payroll would be postponed two days.  So there I was, thinking about getting into training and support. So I asked myself. What do I want to do for a living? I love podcasting. So in a nutshell.

I want to help people in the podcasting space.

Who is the biggest player in the podcast space?

I reached out to a person I knew (remember how it's all about relationships) and just let them know I was available if they needed someone. A little over two weeks later I was given a proposal to join their team.

I gladly accepted.

I can still do consulting, but you will now hear me give out a disclaimer that I am an employee of Libsyn. You will hear me give out my promo code of sopfree for Libsyn on this show, but not at a trade show where I'm acting as a Libsyn employee. For those who are new to my show, I've been a big fan of Libsyn as well as Blubrry, and Spreaker for years. I think the insights I get from working in support will help me created better content for you on this show, as well as additional documentation for Libsyn.

I've always wanted to make a living around podcasting, and now I can. I can do podcasting as my full-time gig, and my night time hobby. Wait, that's Ray's line.

Because of My Podcast I Quit My Day Job - Jim Harold

Every Saturday at 10:30 AM I do a live call-in show called "Ask the Podcast Coach" at and this week Jim asked a question about the controversy over measuring podcasts (see this episode of the Podcasters Roundtable ) and once he came on I got to talk to him and found out.

  • Jim previously a sales guy for radio
  • Jim now does a podcasting full time at

I've already reached out to Jim and we will be doing a deep dive on next week's show. Vs Voxer Vs Clammr Vs Speakpipe Vs Voicemail

Today we are joined by Chris Nesi  ( from the House of Ed Tech podcast. Chris is well versed in Voxer. As a member of the School of Podcasting Chris has shown me he really enjoys voxer. So when this new tool (Anchor) came on the scene and everyone was going nuts over it, I wanted to get Chris's opinion. In the end, they are different tools for different audiences who are looking for different results.

The world is all a flutter over the Anchor app for iOs. This is an app that allows you to sign in via your twitter account and create audio. People can follow you, and you can follow them. You can record a "wave" and people can reply. This is all public. You can them embed your wav on your website, like this.


Originally I wasn't going to include Speakpipe in this discussion, but if we are talking about getting feedback from your audience, I would look like a fool not to include it. Speakpipe is a way for you to put a button on your website for people to click on it, and using their microphone leave a message. When you get the message you can listen to it, download it, or click reply and send a message back to the audience member. It's free, with a premium version for more storage. Check out

I can see this being used to get feedback from your audience. While this is already easy with tools like speakpipe, when someone leaves a message with speakpipe, you can reply to them as well. This is all public. With Anchor, the conversation is public so everyone can hear the conversation and bring their point of view. The bad news for podcasters is once you get the audio, there is no download option. Now you are stuck with hitting play on your phone and recording it with another device. For me, I shared a link to myself, played the wave on the web, and recorded it using Hindenburg journalist (you can go into settings and tell it to record "other applications." Anchor - True public radio - Anchor FM Inc.

Voxer is also a free app (with a paid pro version with additional perks) that turns your phone into a walkie talkie. It is cool, and you can invite people into groups. This again creates a community feeling. You can share audio, video, text, and images. With a group it is only public to the group. You can private message each individual if you'd like. The nice thing about voxer is it works on all platforms. You can even just use their website. I do love the fact that you can listen to messages at up 3X speed. With Voxer, you have a public forum if you want it (with only invited guests) or private message that are easy to listen to and easy to download. Every time I play with Voxer I feel I should create a group for the School of Podcasting. Check out the app at Voxer Walkie Talkie Messenger - Voxer LLC

Clammr is a fun tool to help spread the word about your show. You can use the free app (or their website) to create clips up to 24 seconds. When Clammr was first launched, creating a clammr was a bit cumbersome. They have improved this since the launch, and they've added the ability to use their website (for those not using an iOs device). If someone likes a clammr when they hear it, they are emailed a link to the rest of the episode. You can create widgets to show your favorite clammrs. They look like this. see

I can also share a playlist via a text link So where clammr is for the audience to help spread the podcast to their friends, tools like Anchor are for getting their opinion or feedback from the show. Check out the clammr at here Clammr Radio – Discover Podcasts, Music, & News Headlines - Clammr, Inc.


I have a number through (Kall8) that costs me $2 a month plus .06 a minute. I've never had a bill over $4, and the audio is "meh" but it's simple and it works for those who are not too technically gifted.

What Does My New Position Mean For the School of Podcasting?

As I'm working for there are a few that will happen, but very little will change. When I write and talk on my podcast, I am writing as Dave Jackson the Professional Podcast Mentor. I have been delivering objective facts about podcasting, technology, and content for almost 11 years. On this blog I can tell you to use the coupon code sopfree to get a free month at, or or If i'm at a trade show as an "Official Libsyn Employee" I won't be giving out promo codes (if I want to keep my job), and I won't be giving out promo codes to my competition. You will now hear me use a disclaimer when I talk about hosting companies and explain that I work for Libsyn. But in the end, I've always tried to deliver the facts, and let you make informed decisions. For anyone who has listened to my show from 2005, I've been a big fan of Libsyn before they had an affiliate program, and before I was an employee. So in the end, not much is going to change for the podcast.

What I hope to gain is a better understanding of the podcasting community, the industry, and bring that information to the podcast, and to my tutorials. Some of those tutorials may end up here, or at or both.

When I lost my job on February 5th, I asked myself, "What do you want to do with your life." I've been a teacher for 20+ years. I've worked in customer support, and tech support. My goal was to make a living around podcasting. My first thought was I could do it on my own by doing consulting full time, or I could go work for a company like Libsyn, Blubrry, or Spreaker. While like all of these companies, I've always been the biggest fan of Libsyn. I also love chocolate ice cream and it will win over any other flavor until Oreo Cookie ice cream is available. There is no bad choice there. I reached out to Rob Walch the VP of Podcasting Relations (and someone I've known for 11 years) and just let him know I was available. If something happened I would do Libsyn full time and do consulting in the evenings and weekends. If something didn't happen, I would go full time consulting,  and maybe get a part time job doing something else.

When I took the job as the Director of the New Media Expo, what I ended up getting were relationships. I believe this job will get me more in touch with potential guests, insights, and a view I wouldn't have if I didn't accept the position.

I said before, I wanted to make a living helping people podcast and now I will. I will bring my knowledge right back to this microphone.

No Matter What System you Use..

No matter what tool you use, you will still need to ask for communication. You will need to make it super easy to use. Also keep in mind the more tools you use, the more tools you need to check. The worst thing you can do is ask for interaction and then ignore it.

Hot of the Presses: A New Podcast From the School of Podcasting

Living-Vet-LIfe-MapRob Kerns new Living the Vet Life Podcast is for a podcast dedicated to making sure Veterans are getting all of their benefits. Check it out at check it out in iTunes

Rob's got two episodes out and it displays lots of promise to help veterans get what they deserve.



Podcast Mentorship 1 Yr Subscription Starts March 5th

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If you are looking to take a serious stab at podcasting, join Dave for a YEAR as he works side by side with you. For more information, go to

Mentioned in this show

Jeff Bradburry

Ray Ortega

Chris Nesi



Voxer LLC



Hindenburg Journalist

Podcast MentorShip