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Aug. 21, 2006

50 Enhancing Your Content with Music and Sound Effects

50 Enhancing Your Content with Music and Sound Effects

Used appropriately, music and sound effects can really enhance your CONTENT.
Dave shares his feelings as he has quit listening to some podcasts as they play "whacky" sound effects over and over (and they don't even tie in with the...

Used appropriately, music and sound effects can really enhance your CONTENT.

Dave shares his feelings as he has quit listening to some podcasts as they play "whacky" sound effects over and over (and they don't even tie in with the content). What do you think? Does this bug you?  

On the other hand, Music and sound effects can create a mood, and a theater of the mind experience when used properly.

Last 5 in 5 by Judson Voss of the Get Real Podcast
(Learn about Real Estate Investing with a husband and wife investing duo). Check out Judson and Lynn at

Startup Nation
Podsqod Morning Edition
Inside Home Recording
Project Studio Network
School of Podcasting's Morning Announcements (this site)