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Dec. 26, 2006

67: Did You Really Say That? - Storytelling Podcasts

67: Did You Really Say That? - Storytelling Podcasts

In this episode Dave talks about the potential pitfalls of a diary - storytelling podcast. He started a new podcast . Keep in mind that EVERYONE can hear your podcast. You also never know when people will Google you. He mentions a few of his favorite...

In this episode Dave talks about the potential pitfalls of a diary - storytelling podcast. He started a new podcast Building a Better Dave. Keep in mind that EVERYONE can hear your podcast. You also never know when people will Google you. He mentions a few of his favorite storytelling podcasts including The Bitterest Pill and Digital Flotsam

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Last 5 in 5 From Mike Wills of
1.Geek News Central
2. New Music Today (one of my podcasts on Podcasternews) - I always listen to my own shows to make sure they keep sounding good.
3. Security Now (
4. UC Radio Podshow (
5. Podholes (

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