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March 7, 2022

7 Tips Podcaster Can Use From Radio with Neil Hedley

7 Tips Podcaster Can Use From Radio with Neil Hedley

When Neil Hedley emailed me letting me know he would be going through my town and could he buy me dinner I jumped at the chance to hang out with a listener. I had no idea at the time that Neil: Had exclusively done morning shows ever since, including...

When Neil Hedley emailed me letting me know he would be going through my town and could he buy me dinner I jumped at the chance to hang out with a listener. I had no idea at the time that Neil:

Had exclusively done morning shows ever since, including six #1-rated shows in different markets in the US and Canada. Sprinkled among those years is time as a stand-up comic, singer, restaurateur, bestselling author, college professor, world record holder (that's a fun story), and a pile of other goodies including running Knopp Studios and hosting the Voice Inside My Hed (get it Hedley? Voice in my Hed...)

The more we talked, the more I thought I should have him on the show. 

The Tips:
1 Tighten Up
2. Rules can Help
3. Ums are normal
4. Every word matters
5. Learn how to Tease
6. Set a Benchmark for your podcast
7. Talk to one person

Check out Neil at where he has combined all of these past lives into a venture to you be a better content creator.

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Are people going to listen to me? (Yes, cause I'll show you how to see what they want).
Am I going to sound stupid? (No, as I'll show you the magic of editing)
It will cost a million dollars (No, I'll have you sounding like a million bucks without spending a million bucks). 
I don't anything about this technology (You said the same thing about driving). 
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Mentioned in This Episode

Descript Software

The Author Inside You (Promo)

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

What Was That Like Podcast? (Great Tease)

Northeast Ohio Podcasters Meetup

Buy Dave a Coffee

Profit From Your Podcast Book

Where I Will Be

Spark Podcast Conference March 7-8 (Nashville)
NRB Nashville 8-11 (speaking)
Podcast Movement Evolutions March 23-26
Podfest Multimedia Expo  May 26-29 Orlando (speaking)

This is episode 817 of the School of Podcasting you can get the back episode by subscribing/following in 

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