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Sept. 5, 2022

Advertising Your Show On Podcast Apps

Advertising Your Show On Podcast Apps

Have you been considering using display ads on podcast apps to grow your show? I've asked Tanner Campbell to join me and share his experience with experimenting. Advertising on Podcast Apps Before you go spending money Tanner and I agree that this...

Have you been considering using display ads on podcast apps to grow your show? I've asked Tanner Campbell to join me and share his experience with experimenting.

Advertising on Podcast Apps

Before you go spending money Tanner and I agree that this only makes sense if your podcast is part of the marketing arm that is generating income.

Ready To Start Your Podcast

You may think nobody would listen to you, but I'm here to tell you they will. I have proven strategies to help you identify exactly what your audience wants. You will sound professional, and won't have to spend a million dollars to sound great. Learn through our online tutorials, live group coaching and a private Facebook Group filled with brilliant podcasters. Join worry-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee. See

Using Podcast Display Ads to Grow Your Podcast

Spotify Ads - Minimum Spend $250

Podbay - $5/day

Overcast - Prices Vary by Category

Pocketcasts - Minimum Spend $1700

Podcast Addict - Varies

Castro - Minimum Spend $750 for 50,000 Impressions
The only thing they show on their website is to contact


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