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June 29, 2015

Cale Nelson Had a Sponsor Before He Had His First Podcast Recorded

Cale Nelson Had a Sponsor Before He Had His First Podcast Recorded

Cale Nelson Had a Sponsor Before He Had His First Podcast Recorded

Group Coaching: Castermind Group Coaching

I'm starting something new and I have room for three people. I may expand this in the future, but for now as I test this out there will be three people (four including me). We will meet once a month on a Tuesday night. We will talk about where we we are, and where we want to be. We will talk strategies, measuring our progress, and sharing what works and what does not. I am running this promotion via Joyride, so you can sign up here. Seating is limited.

Podcast Advertising Works

In a recent article about the popular podcast Serial, "81 percent of “Serial” listeners between October and December correctly recalled a season one sponsor. And almost all of them knew it was Mailchimp and what the email-marketing service does."

Podcast Advertising Pays - If You have the Numbers

An article on stated this about podcast advertising (using Midroll). The company’s ads—“integrated, native, often host-read spots”—are hugely effective compared to most internet advertising, so businesses pay good money for them. Podcasts, which tend to run one or two ads before the show and two or three ads during the show, can earn around three hundred dollars per ad if they average at least ten thousand listeners. For the elite circle of shows with over four hundred thousand listeners—generally the iTunes Top 50—a single ad spot can net over ten thousand dollars.

Podcast Idol? WNYC Launches Podcast Accelerator

WYNC has launched what they are calling a Podcast Accelerator.

What is it?

The WNYC Podcast Accelerator will give both established talent and up-and-coming storytellers the opportunity to pitch their big podcast idea and potentially win the chance to produce a pilot.

The application period will run from June 25 until July 15. Five finalists will be paired with producers from top WNYC podcasts who will mentor and train the candidates, helping them hone their pitches. The winner gets the chance to produce a pilot episode with a WNYC producer. The Podcast Accelerator is open to anyone able to attend ONA and who is NOT a current employee of NYPR. The conference is $769.

Finalists get one complimentary ONA badge apiece, and benefit from a six-week virtual mentoring and training period, in which leading audio producers will help you hone your pitch, including story lines, character development, sound, texture, voice. In addition, you’ll have two virtual meetups with fellow finalists, ONA’s digital director and a WNYC producer to share ideas and progress. The winner will have a chance to create one pilot episode with a WNYC producer

The President Was Interviewed on Marc Maron's WTF Podcast

This episode set a new record for the most downloads in a 24 hour period ( 735,063 or 30,628 and hour, or 510 downloads a minute). The previous record holder was Dan Carlin with his Hardcore History podcast that had 351,000 downloads in 24 hours)

CarPlay and Android Auto Going into 14 Chevy Models.

While we've heard about Apple CarPlay and Android Auto a while back, they are starting to be installed that normal people can afford. For the 2016 model year, Chevrolet will offer Android Auto and Apple CarPlay compatibility in more models than any automotive brand. The 14 Chevrolet models include the all-new 2016 Cruze compact car, which will debut on June 24. Cruze is Chevrolet’s best-selling passenger car, with more than 3 million sold since launch. Additional models are listed in a chart below.

New Podcast Stats From Edison Research

A new Edison research report has come out on who is listening to podcast showing how podcasting is continuing to grow.

49% have now heard of podcasting

33% have listened to podcast

17% Have listened to a podcast in the last month.

Listeners are now 50/50 Men/Women

The Smartphone has had a HUGE impact on podcast growth.

Biggest Age Groups Listening to Podcasts:

20% 25 - 34

17% 35 - 44

15% 45 - 54

15% 18 -24

15% 12-17

12% 55 - 64

6%  65+

10% of Americans have listened to a podcast in the last week.

Podcast Listeners Have a Profile on 

77% FaceBook

66% Google +

36% Instagram

35% LinkedIn

33% Twitter

28% Snapchat

27% Pinterest

17% Vine

14% Tumblr

60% use social media several times a day.

Cale Nelson Had a Sponsor Before He Started His Podcast

Fo Time PodcastCale Nelson is an awesome guy living on a farm in South Carolina with his five kids (who are home schooled). He spent a decade in Christian Radio, but with five kids switched jobs to devote more time at home. He missed the microphone. In 2014 he started the the Fo Time podcast (an inside joke for anyone in the Amateur/Ham Radio world). He approached a small "Mom and Pops" vendor of Amateur radio called MTC Radio about sponsoring a show he wanted to do.

As he had never met these people, all he waned for payment was the "Mom" of the shop to do his voice over work. In exchange for the Voice Over, he would mention their website. This would allow everyone to see if this was a good fit. Once this original "trial" portion was over they could meet and examine moving forward.

MTC Radio came on board. Things were going smooth, and the podcast grew fast. Cale states that in a few months his podcast numbers were 7 times what they were when he started. He went back to MTC radio to see if there was a way he could be paid more for the sponsorship. It turns out that MTC gets paid to promote certain products from companies like Kenwood. They took that money, and gave it to Cale to promote those products on his show. Now not only did he get the added funds he was looking for, he got MORE than he asked for.

The manufacturer benefits. MRC Radio benefits (because Cale sends his audio to their website to purchase the equipment). Cale benefits by making some spending cash.


  • You Don't Need Giant Sponsors For Your Show
  • To get a sponsor you have to ask
  • Treating your advertiser like a partner can lead to bigger payouts.
  • Don't underestimate the power of the niche

Mentioned in this Podcast

Ken Blanchard

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