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Aug. 27, 2018

Danny Peña Is On a Mission For Additional Listeners

Danny Peña Is On a Mission For Additional Listeners

In episode  633 of the School of Podcasting, we are looking at Podcasting Events and asking, "is it worth attending?" We also touch base with Danny Peña who has created a movie about his story and his show Gamer tag Radio (that is now...

In episode  633 of the School of Podcasting, we are looking at Podcasting Events and asking, "is it worth attending?" We also touch base with Danny Peña who has created a movie about his story and his show Gamer tag Radio (that is now winning awards at Movie Festivals) to help introduce people to podcasting and to his show. Danny can point to one thing for his success, "Community." We first spoke with Danny back on episode 506 (definitely check it out)

Sponsor: Podcast Engineering School


Podcast Engineering School – next semester starts September 18th and runs through October 30th. The classes are live and Chris packs the 2-hour classes with tons of information

Today I did a quick search on for “podcast engineer” and saw quite a few options

Program Includes:

LIVE Interactive Online Training

Two Mentoring Sessions with Chris Curran

Major Discounts on Software and Plugins

Lifetime Access to the PES closed community

Certificate of Completion


Danny Peña is a Walking Make a Wish Foundation for His Fans


Danny first appeared on the School of Podcasting back on episode 506 and he has ALWAYs been about his audience and building community (he still is).  I drove down to Columbus to Ohio to hang out with him (along with Daniel J Lewis from the Audacity to Podcast). Danny met some of his audience and brought them backstage at the event and introduced them to some of their favorite gamers. Think about how huge that is for the audience members. Think about going backstage at the Super Bowl to meet Tom Brady. In this conversation you will hear:

  • Danny put together an award-winning movie about his story and the rise of Gamertag Radio using iMovie.
  • How he taking steps to embrace those who are not currently listening to podcasts and to help them understand how to start listening ( is something I put together)
  • Danny has multiple revenue streams in addition to his sponsors
  • His relationships lead him to leave CBS Radio when things got a little shaky.

For more information see

Mentioned: Edison Research 

Danny's first appearance on the School of Podcasting on episode 506

Daniel J Lewis from


Are Podcast Conferences Worth It?


I asked you, "Are podcasting conferences worth it?" and today I play answers from

Ed Ryan from Podcasting For Radio Dummies is starting a magazine for podcasters, was inspired to start TWO podcasts and has already received a three-figure boost of support for his Beach talk Radio show that he does with his wife

33:22 Emily from The Story Behind and E Podcast Productions (check out her Book)

40:54 Marco from got to meet all sort of people at PM18, and has been inspired to start THREE new podcasts

42:58 Jennifer from Podcast With Jennifer as a podcast editor she has picked up clients and boosted relationships

44:10 Win Charles will attend when she can finance it. She looks forward to having the loving support of the community

45:13 Michael Delany from Caregiving for Dementia got direction and focus for his show, and met a lot of great people. Hear his appearance on the Podcast Review Show

47:50 Hilda from Wise Traditions Podcast has attended two events and came away with practical tips, and relationships. It's super encouraging.

50:03 My thoughts on podcast events

51:13 I got a shout out on the Podcasting For Radio Dummies (Thanks Ed!)

Question of the Month


If there is a slider between 1 I LOVE PODCASTING and 10 is I HATE Podcasting, where are you? Are you feeling like a three? Seven? Lets us know and WHY you are feeling the way you are. If you want to record something and attach it be sure to put September question in the subject line and send it to dave "at" (trying to avoid spam with the spelling), or go to our Contact page for more options. I need your answer by 9/21/18

Ready to Start a Podcast?

I've got multiple plans for multiple budgets at