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April 25, 2022

Do You Have Time To Listen to ANOTHER Podcast?

Do You Have Time To Listen to ANOTHER Podcast?

We all think, "just make good content and promote your show" but as podcasts become more mainstream and the average listener now consumes multiple episodes a week, do they have room for YOUR show? I asked my audience what their status is. If you found...

We all think, "just make good content and promote your show" but as podcasts become more mainstream and the average listener now consumes multiple episodes a week, do they have room for YOUR show? I asked my audience what their status is. If you found a really good show, would you have to "bump" one you are listening to now?

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Question of the Month Answers

You find a show that's great. Do you have enough time to add an additional show to your listening time?


Steve - and Podcast Editor Academy
Jim - Home Gadget Geeks and Ask the Podcast Coach
Mark - History of North America 
Bill - Bill Watches Movie
Dave - Walking is Fitness 
York - Poetic Earthlings 
Arnie- Sports History Network 


In general, we are all "out of time, " yet if something good comes along, we seem to make room. We also have different phases of life, and some of the shows we listen to take breaks and we find new shows. 

The bottom line is there is only so much time to listen and the shows that deliver the most value will be heard. 

I Heard it On a Podcast

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Podcasting 2.0 Gets $4000 Donation

Cleaning Up Audio With Descript

Check out this video that shows how to clean up your audio in Descript

Mentioned in this Show

Join the School of Podcasting

Episode 752 - Audio Editing as a Business

Podcast Editor Academy

Spotify is Now Offering Video via Anchor (kind of)

Descript Audio Editing Tool

Focusrite Interfaces