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Nov. 2, 2015

Google Play Terms & Patreon is Paying $3.5 Million a Month To Creators

Google Play Terms & Patreon is Paying $3.5 Million a Month To Creators

Google Play Terms & Patreon is Paying $3.5 Million a Month To Creators

Any time my podcast can get in front of more people I'm happy. From what I've heard on the Feed Podcast where a Google Rep was interviewed here is what is what we think is going to happen. 

Google will pull an episode and host it on their servers (but they won't be a media host) The reason for this is they have control and reliability (come some people do stupid things like put their files on a website host instead of a media host).

They reserve the right to put ads after your show, and you will get nothing an like it.

There will be a directory, you will be able to direct people to a location

There is no set date besides "as soon as possible"

It is just in the USA for starting.

There are specific Google tags (just like iTunes Tags), but you can submit a feed and it will use the iTunes tags.

There will be stats.

They are not splitting your file into bits.

They hope to feature your show when people search for it. They want to give you what you want - when you want it. This is probably why they paid $35 million for Songza (a company that generated custom playlists) back in 2014.

Their artwork spec is from small to HUGE, so for now use your 1400X 1400 artwork that you use for iTunes.

You can add your podcast at

Here are the Terms of Service for Google Play

Check out No Agenda Show for more in depth Media Analysis

So How Do I Feel About Google Coming Into Podcasting?

Anytime my podcast can get in front of more people, I'm very happy.

As I've been online for a while, I've seen Google products come and go (Remember Google Buzz?). So while I'm excited, there is nothing for me to hold, touch, smell, and critique. Am I upset that they are going to host my files? No.

Do I wish they would just pass through my files from Libsyn? Yes, but I understand why they are not. We all have our fingers crossed that they use better encoding that Stitcher (which makes you sound barely listenable).

Am I upset that an advertising company is going to play ads after my show and I get none of that? No. (and I'm not surprised). As long as I can say what I want in my show and use it to direct people back to I'm fine. Even Google has to pay the bills.

So at this point, I'm "Hooray! - um, I think..."

Terms of Service For Other Hosting Platforms

Blubrry (use the coupon sopfree to get a free month )
Content Producers agree that the content in you shows are free from speech that advocates violence or speech that promotes hate. The Company reserves the right to immediately remove any media content from its Websites that in its sole discretion is deemed to violate the restrictions of this paragraph. (use the coupon sopfree to get a free month)

Any attempt to directly monetize Your Content via third-party ad networks or other outside business agreements at the expense of Libsyn without written approval from Libsyn is prohibited. If you choose to monetize, Your Content, you agree to utilize Libsyn Service to enable monetization including but not limited to in-content advertising, iPhone applications or sale of Your Content which may include additional requirements for revenue sharing or fees for use depending on the Service.. To request permission to monetize Your Content via third-party ad networks or other outside business agreements at the expense of Libsyn, please email

Spreaker (use the coupon code sopfree to get a free month)

In connection with your User Submissions, you further agree that you will not: (i) publish misrepresentations that could damage Spreaker or any third party; (ii) submit material that is unlawful, defamatory, libellous, slanderous, threatening, pornographic, obscene, vulgar, harassing, harmful, hateful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive or is otherwise inappropriate; (iii) post advertisements or solicitations of business; (v) impersonate another person or entity or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; or (v) post User Submissions that would be harmful to minors in any manner.

In any case of violation of any of the above user submission rules and requirements or as required by law or regulation, Spreaker reserves the right to take court action and/or report users to the relevant authorities, for instance but not limited to when a user submission becomes subject of a copyright infringement note.

Podbean (use the coupon code sopfree to get a free month)

Podbean service makes it possible to post audios, videos, photos hosted on to outside websites. This use is accepted. However, pages on other websites which embed audios, videos, photos that hosted on must provide a link back to from each embeded content to its Post page on Free Account is intended for personal use ONLY. Professional or corporate users please use one of our paid services.

99% of the time the terms are there for the provider to cover their rear end. 

Patreon Best Practices

22:01 Today we are joined by Taryn Arnold the community happiness representative of to take another look at Patreon ( spoke about Patreon in March of 2014 on Episode 399). They are "THE" platform when it comes to reoccurring crowd funding. When Joyride went out of business they directed their customer to Patreon.

Patreon is like a virtual tip jar for your audience to support you. Unlike Paypal (which can have issues when your listener's credit card changes or gets updated, and also may not notify you when a donation happens).

Patreon is working to add discovery to their already vast set of tools.

Patreon is a community building tool - not just a paywall. People who are succeeding at Patreon are treating it as a community tool to interact with their audience (make it two way - not just you putting stuff behind a pay wall).

$3.5 Million is being processed a month to creators.

There are roughly 25,000 active creators on

Let me do the math for you 3,500,000 / 25,000 - $140 per active user (roughly...)

Be sure to add a link to your Patreon account in you email template so you never forget to mention it.

Most people are doing a monthly setup (instead of a per post item). If you are doing items less frequently, it may be better to set up your account as a "per post."

39:52 Some people like are putting the content they give away for free in Patreon. This makes a singular place for your community to find your content and interact with you.  Pete Hollans makes 7,767.05 per video

It costs zero to start using they take somewhere between 4% - 6%

The $5 and $10 pledges are used the most (the average is $7).

You might want to make a few posts that anyone can see so that people who are browsing your items can get a free sample of your content.

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My Favorite Podcast Is

I am accepting submissions for my annual "My Favorite Podcast Is" episode. This is where you can get extra exposure for your show. Here is what you do:

Go to (you can upload a recording, you can record your message using the Speakpipe button, or call the toll free number).

Let me know the name of your show, where we can find it, and what it's about. Then let me know what your favorite podcast is AND WHY. If you know their website that would be awesome as well. This will be used in the last episode of the year, and turned into a book on Amazon (so more exposure).

Castermind Is Now Accepting Applications

If you want some personalized podcast coaching, with the benefit of a mastermind/accountability group, submit an application to part of my Castermind podcast group.

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Join the School of Podcasting risk free for 30 days. If you're not 100% satisfied I will refund your money - no questions asked. Prices will be increasing in 2016.

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