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Oct. 31, 2016

Grow Your Audience Using the KFC Approach

Grow Your Audience Using the  KFC Approach

Hindenburg Journalist Noise Reduction The latest version of Hindenburg Journalist Software (slowly becoming one of my favorites for people who "Aren't too technical"). They have a new noise reduction feature that is super easy to use, and actually not...

Hindenburg Journalist Noise Reduction

The latest version of Hindenburg Journalist Software (slowly becoming one of my favorites for people who "Aren't too technical"). They have a new noise reduction feature that is super easy to use, and actually not bad. 

Here is a video of it in action

Grow Your Audience Using the  KFC Approach

If you live in the US, and maybe outside you are familiar with a certain Colonel Sanders who started Kentucky Fried Chicken. You also notice that over the years they have introduced grilled chicken and changed their name to KFC. This name change provides less emphasis on the word FRIED which in the world that is becoming somewhat more educated on better food choices might serve their sales better.

Today I'm going to share what KFC stands for based on a book I'm listening to How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds or Less by Nicholas Boothman. You can get the audiobook for free by going to (If you want to be an affiliate for audible, go to )

The part is Know what you want out of podcasting. I've said before that you need to know WHY you're getting into podcasting. If you don't, you'll never make it through the how. Are you looking to be seen as an expert? Then maybe you should do some Q & A. Are you looking to get people to know and like you, then maybe it's time to ditch the interview format and talk directly to your audience. If you're trying to get a message out, then come up with a hashtag so you can track your progress. The other thing this does is it helps you know if you're being successful or not, or if you're even on track.

The F in this instance stands for find what you are getting. When I get feedback from people, they seem to like my style. They say I seem laid back, and I break things down into easy bite size chunks. They appreciate the fact that I occasionally try to get your to laugh. In the past, I've told you about and and how I've used those services for surveys. My favorite tool for this now is Google Sheets ( You can easily take this spreadsheet tool, and with a few mouse clicks turn it into a survey for your audience.
Unlike the previous tools I mentioned, it is free, and there are unlimited questions and unlimited responses.

But what if the feedback you're getting isn't what you were expecting. What if things are going in the wrong direction.

You've heard me quote Ryan K Parker of for years. I quote it because it's true. No one will punch you in the face if you change your podcast. In fact, look at any long running series on TV, and you will see how things evolved. Many times that was because what they found out was that their ratings were going the wrong way.

Not it takes courage to be able to have people leave your feedback. If you go back to the beginning, when you KNOW what you want out of podcasting, you will be willing to tweak it to get what you want, as you give your audience what they want.

Many Streams Make Up  A River

Launching my New Godaddy Reseller Account

Recently we've been talking a fair amount of about sponsorship, so I want to restate something. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR PODCAST. If you are looking to have some income one of the things you might consider is instead of  trying to get a big giant paycheck, get a lot of small checks.

Earlier this year I added some features to the School of Podcasting and raised the prices quite a bit. It turned out those features weren't exactly what people were looking for. So, I tweaked some things, and adjusted the pricing. I also looked at the financials of the SOP. Part of the expenses for the School of Podcasting is my ongoing addiction to buying domain names. Yes they are only $9.99 a year at (more on that in a second), but when you have over 100 domains, that adds up. My solution was to eliminate the middle man. I became a reseller for Godaddy. So if you need web hosting, domains, SSL certificates, or any other web related services, you can go to and support me, and have the power of Godadddy.

I Was Won Over With Support

It wasn't just the domains that got me to put my eggs in the godaddy basket. I helped a friend setup a website using Bluehost. Now for the record I have a few websites on Bluehost. This is because I always try to use what I recommend. He hit a bit of a snag, so I told him how they had good service. He got on the phone, and I got on the live chat. As a person who works in support, I may be a bit more critical, but it was not fast at all. He finally got someone on the phone who was sticking with their script. We got our problem solved, but it took the better part of 90 minutes.

I've been promoting Host Gator for years. I've used them for over 15 years. I've always thought their support was better than Bluehost, and still do. Over the last year, what use to take 3-5 minutes to get a live chat person to answer a question was turning into 5-20 minutes, and then I often felt like they were holding 5 different chats at the same time. Not horrible, but not great.

When I tried out Godaddy, I was floored by their support. Over the years they called me to show me how I could save money with their company. No really catch when they called. They just saw my current situation and wanted to let me know if I did things a certain way I could save a few hundred dollars a year. When I get on their chat, I usually have someone within a few minutes and I get my questions answered. So I have a website I'm hosting on them, I didn't have any problems, so I became a reseller. I'm sure they are not perfect, no host is, but their support won me over.

Currently if you want to order web hosting specifically designed to be lighting quick with Wordpress, I have a special going where you get

  • 2 websites
  • 30GB SSD storage
  • 400,000 monthly visitors
  • One-click staging site
  • SSH / sFTP
  • Search engine optimization plugin
  • Malware scan & removal
  • Standard SSL Certificate - 1 year free ( renewed annually)

For $11.99 for more information go to

Why Mystery Show Was Cancelled by Gimlet

When this show first aired I stated that this show was well produced, but in the end the content was stupid. 

That's why the show got cancelled. See my original review.

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