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Jan. 31, 2022

Growing Your Downloads 15 Minutes a Day- Growing Your Show Kevin Chemidlin

Growing Your Downloads 15 Minutes a Day- Growing Your Show Kevin Chemidlin

I first discovered Kevin when contemplating creating a new show based on podcast growth. It's well-produced and has actual steps you can take. Kevin started his first podcast Philly Who? Then quit his day job. So how did he turns things around to the...

I first discovered Kevin when contemplating creating a new show based on podcast growth. It's well-produced and has actual steps you can take.

Kevin started his first podcast Philly Who? Then quit his day job. So how did he turns things around to the point of making six figures? He stopped and took time to learn what works, and then give it to the audience.


Question of the Month Contributors

When looking at a new podcast in an app, what catches your eye? The artwork and description often came into play along with the episode titles, but what really counts is the first few minutes of your show. 

Grow the Show

Brandon from Start 100K

Erik from Raising Financial Freedom

Heater from Watching Netflix Without You

Scott from What Was That Like?

Kim from The Pharmacist's Voice

Mark from the History of North America

February Question of the Month

As we talked about growing your show today, what have you been doing to grow your audience, and do you think it's working? Answer it at I need your answer by 2/25/22 

Kevin's INterview Topics

02:24 Discovering Grow the Show
03:37 What Inspired Philly Who?
04:37 Kevin Quit His Day Job
06:00 Things Got Scary
06:46 1000 Downloads Per Episode
07:22 Sharpening Your Axe
07:54 Multiple Streams of Income
10:47 Laser-Focused Criteria
11:10 Six-Figure Salary
11:45 Sponsorship Tips
13:07 Niche Down
17:12 Most Broad Success Started With a Niche
18:08 Kevin Shut Down a Profitable Show
19:19 TDE Targeted Daily Engagement
20:48 The Baked in Strategies That Don't Work
26:49 Get More Specific
27:38 Go To Where Your Audience Is
29:37 Build Relationships
30:59 Kevin's Program

What triggers subscriptions?
33:28 Question of the Month
33:52 Brandon Start 100K
36:27 Heather -Watching Netflix Without You
38:47 The Lost Sheep Has Been Found!
41:11 Scott: What Was That Like
44:07 Kim: The Pharmacist's Voice
47:37 Eric: Raising Financial Freedom
48:47 Mark: The History of North America
50:16 Dave: School of Podcasting


51:43 February Question of the Month
53:18 Quick Libsyn Update


Join the School of Podcasting and start your podcast in the right direction with access to step-by-step tutorials, live group coaching, 1 on 1 coaching, a private mastermind, and a lack of fear of sounding unprofessional or buying the wrong equipment. 

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