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July 17, 2017

His Podcast Brought Him So Much Business His Supplier Can't Keep Up - Bill Strand of Chameleon Breeder

His Podcast Brought Him So Much Business His Supplier Can't Keep Up - Bill Strand of Chameleon Breeder

King of the Niche Podcasts Bill Strand of In this 20 minute interview we hear how: Bill has been involved with Chameleon's For Over 40 Years His Podcast Has Lead His Audience to Trust Him and Engage with him on Social Media...


King of the Niche Podcasts Bill Strand of

In this 20 minute interview we hear how:

Bill has been involved with Chameleon's For Over 40 Years

His Podcast Has Lead His Audience to Trust Him and Engage with him on Social Media

This trust has to lead to more sales than when he produced an Ezine (back in the day)

His supplier can't keep up with the orders and Bill no longer mentions his Chameleon Cages on his show

How Bill keeps his family supporting his show

His audience loyalty results in them freely paying more for his products so they can support him.

Bill is nice enough to share his numbers, and he is getting WAY MORE than the median 200 downloads (he had more than that in one day)

Bill's commitment is to delivering value.

2017 Is More Than Half Way Done, How Are Your Goals?

It's July, last month the year was 50% 0ver. My plans for this year had two big projects.

  1. Revamp the School of Podcasting
  2. Update my book, "More Podcast Money."

I have not made any serious strides in either of these. Let's not panic. What did I do instead?

  1. I launched a few shows testing different hosting platforms (including a show for my cat).
  2. I started a Patreon group my weight loss show.
  3. I added a "Baby Steps" free video course to drive leads to the School of Podcasting.

While learning about more platforms keep me well rounded in what is available for podcasters, it's kind of like knowing about Coke, Pepsi, and DR. Pepper. Do you really need more cola choices? OK, fine, we'll add RC cola.

The Patreon experiment is for the book as was having a sponsor earlier in the year.

Free Resources You Might Want to Check Out

If you're looking for a way to get the word out (and you somewhat have an audience of friends, etc) there is a free tool called where you pick a day when you send out a tweet (that you create) and it goes out everyone's twitter at the same time (and Facebook, and Tumblr) . You need a minimum of 100 people (according to their video) or it won't go out (the free version let's you choose how many people you need to share. The smallest paid plan is $55 per campaign.  I've added this to the Podcasting Resources area.

Sometimes reading books will give you an idea for a new episode. While there are resources like (where you can get a free book for joining), you may have heard of this thing called the Library (which I recently got to visit when we had a thunderstorm, and I had no power or the Internet and they did). On a recent taping of the Ask the Podcast Coach show, Daniel J Lewis from the Audacity to Podcast informed me of which works with your library card to enable you to download audiobooks and ebooks for free. Kim Krachi from Toastmasters 101 also mentioned Hoopla Digital which is a similar service.

Becuase of My Podcast I'm Going All over the World Talking About a Subject I Love

Hilda from the Wise Traditions Podcast and her own site started this podcast by contacting a company where she enjoyed their newsletter but thought it needed a kick in the pants (and she loves the topic). She get involved and now hosts their podcasts. She is doing such a great job they are now sending her all over the globe to talk about the show and be an ambassador. Check out at and the podcast is at

Libsyn and Blubrry ready for New iTunes Tags

As Soundcloud continues to plummet (and they hope Chance the wrapper saves them the way Justin Timberlake save Myspace?), and have already stated (and demonstrated in some cases) how the new iTunes Tags are in place. You can see Libsyn's new layout and demonstration here

Mentioned in this Show

Happy 100th Episode to The Feed (the official podcast from
Hero of the week Jessica Kupferman from the for telling advertisers to stick their $6 per episode offers where the sun doesn't shine.

Jimmy Iovine says it takes 6 years for great musicians to break into the music business (from the Howard Stern show on )

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