Clay Groves is one of the nicest guys on the planet. I always smile when I see him at an event. I know I'm going to be smiling and laughing soon. He is the host of , and over the years when I saw him in person he would tell me a "Because of My...
Clay Groves is one of the nicest guys on the planet. I always smile when I see him at an event. I know I'm going to be smiling and laughing soon. He is the host of Fish Nerds, and over the years when I saw him in person he would tell me a "Because of My podcast" Story and when I heard his last one, I said, "I need to have you come on the show and share these stories.
In today's interview you will hear:
6:44 Clay sold some of these stories
12:11 Clay has been paid to speak
14:59 His relationships have lead to more and more opportunities
16:09 Clay launches a business doing fishing tours
20:28 What equipment does Clay use to record on a boat?
22:51 Clay builds a path to radio
28:54 Clay gets the call
39:20 Clay quits his day job.
43:24 Clay's 12-Year-old daughter is podcasting
I do this every year. Please record your response and include the following:
Your name and the name of your podcast
Your website where we can find your podcast
A brief synopsis of what your podcast is about (who it's for, and what to expect)
What is your favorite podcast from 2019?
Why is it your favorite?
What is the website of this podcast?
I need the answers in by December 27th, 2019 so it can be heard on December 30th.
Go to (I really need these in audio format)
Clays Equipment:
National Podcast Publishing Month
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