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Oct. 24, 2016

How I Got a Sponsor On My Podcast

How I Got a Sponsor On My Podcast

Today I share my story on how I secured a sponsor for my show. I'm doing this as an experiment as I prepare to update my book Next year. I also share the behind the scenes of what it was like to take on a sponsor. There are some things that I have to...

Today I share my story on how I secured a sponsor for my show. I'm doing this as an experiment as I prepare to update my book More Podcast Money Next year. I also share the behind the scenes of what it was like to take on a sponsor. There are some things that I have to tackle mentally.

Emerald City Productions - Our Sponsor

1:15 Emerald City is running a special go to and tell them you are from the School of Podcasting and have your first four podcasts done for $15 an episode.

My Favorite Podcast Is

2:50 I'm working on the last episode of the year where we all share what our favorite podcast is (you can only pick one, and no, it can't be yours). Then be sure to tells us a little about it, and WHY you like it. Also, be sure to tell us a little bit about your show and where we can find it. So its free promotion for your show, and later I get these transcribed and turn them into a book. The deadline is October 31. Go to

Getting A Sponsor For Your Show

4:30 Today I share my story on how I secured a sponsor for my show. I'm doing this as an experiment as I prepare to update my book More Podcast Money Next year. I also share the behind the scenes of what it was like to take on a sponsor. There are some things that I have to tackle mentally.

Getting A Sponsor For Your Show
Today I talk with Jessica Kupferman who has been selling advertising for a very long time (back in the day on banner advertising) and has been podcasting since 2013. I know her best for her show which she does with Elsie Escobar (it's a fascinating take on podcasting from a Women's point of view).

Jessica just launched an add agency that helps sponsors find podcasters, and podcasters find sponsors. Here are some of the insights from today's discussion

You need to know how many downloads you get per month

If you don't have a ton of downloads, but you have an active community, that may enable you to secure a sponsor

You don't need a media kit if you don't have one. Jessica can create one for you.

If you're pricing per episode, you might as well flush your money down the toilet.

The smallest contract/campaign she sells is three months. She will go two months if there are no other options.

Podcasters should be open to having the sponsor on the show to help create content.

In regards to platforms, sponsors are looking at Twitter and Instagram followers.

You just need to create a report once a month

Never lie about your stats. Not only does it make you look bad, but it also makes podcasting, in general, look bad.

How do you figure out what to charge for your podcast?

The current standards for CPM is $15-$100 which is why it doesn't work for most podcasters and is the worst way to sell your show

Can unique genres get a sponsor? (i.e. Science Fiction movie reviews)

To be considered for adds go to

She also is a co-host for She Podcasts

The Mental Side of Podcast Advertising

34:00 When you take on an advertiser, you have a couple of things to consider.

You need to make sure your sponsor fits your audience and is something you can talk about honestly. When you promote something that you don't believe in, that is (in my opinion) the definition of selling out.

Make sure you are aware what you will be delivering, and then deliver it.

Remember who your TRUE audience is. Having multiple audiences can be a struggle. My audience is you. You've been with me for almost 12 years. If I pay too much attention to promoting the sponsor, I lose the true audience (again, you). If I don't pay enough attention to the sponsor, I lose the sponsor. The problem is I'm being paid for a 15-second spot. I recorded the spot four times last night, and the first one went over two minutes long. I figured out what I needed to say, and figured out how to see it as quickly as possible. This first ad was a bit longer as I needed to introduce you to the sponsor. I've always liked he way Gimlet media does their advertisements, and I plan on borrowing as much as I can. If you are a regular listener, you know I like to think outside the box. Just know, this can mess with your brain. Remember you worked hard to get an audience, and advertisers will come and go. I have never heard one, but I've heard stories about Leo Laporte going on for what seems days when he does a spot for Audible. If you don't pay attention to your listeners, then there will be nobody to hear your advertisements.

What if you have a Patreon account? Well if you are delivering extra value to your patrons, then this shouldn't be a problem. They are getting what they pay for. Also, Patrons are people who want to support you. When they hear, you are benefiting from an advertiser they may be all for it. Just don't be surprised if someone stops being a patron because "You don't need us."

Speaking of that, realize that someone will not like the fact that you have advertisements. There is nothing you can do about that. Focus on the one who stays.

Podcast Rewind

38:18 I appeared on the Rock Your Retirement show talking about Alzheimer's disease

I appear on the new Cut to the Chase from the friend Ravi from Digital Access Pass. This is business advice with not fluff (hence cut to the chase ) so it is some of my best podcast advice in one quick blast.

While I have appeared on Podcast Junkies, I wanted to point you to the episode with Jonathan Oakes of Triva Warfare (who I've been on his show). It was just a great show where you hear Jonathon talk about how he shaped his show over time, and ever has a cool because of my podcast story. Check it out

Podcast Glossary


Blubrry is a media hosting company (use the coupon code sopfree to get a free month). They are also the people who make the PowerPress plugin. The PowerPress plugin will work with any media host (although it does full integration with blubrry) such as Podbean, Libsyn, Soundcloud. We will talk about PowerPress later when we get to the P's, so for now Blubrry is a media hosting company.

A compressor is an effect you can add to your audio. In its simplest form, it makes louder things softer, and softer things louder to ensure a level audio output. These can be applied in software, or they can be physical pieces of hardware such a DBX 286

CPM is a pricing model used by the Radio industry. With CPM you get paid a certain amount for 1000 listeners. So if you have a CPM rate of $6, and you have 20,000 listeners you would pay the radio station 6 X 20 = $120. CPM rates in Podcasting typically start at $20 and go up. Some reporting as high as $60 or more. For most podcasters (without thousands of downloads) CPM is not a viable model to making money with your podcast

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