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Sept. 21, 2020

How Podcasting Boosts Elizabeth Benton's  Seven Figure Business -741

How Podcasting Boosts Elizabeth Benton's  Seven Figure Business -741

Get your mindset focused on success

Elizabeth Benton is known as a health and nutrition guru, but to me, she is more of a "mindset guru." She is someone who has dug herself out of being $130,000 in debt, and has lost (and kept off )150 lbs. My audience from the Logical Weight Loss podcast told me I HAD to read her book, Chasing Cupcakes (get it for free on Audible), and once I finished her book, I checked out her Primal Potential podcast and downloaded all of her episodes. I was thrilled when she agreed to come on the show and explain how podcasting has boosted her business.

SPONSOR: School of Podcasting

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Topics With Elizabeth Benton

7:16 How Long Did You Run Your Business Without a Podcast?
8:31 Did you hesitate to start your podcast?
9:11 People have STONG Feelings about Eating Healthy
11:24 How has your podcast impacted your business?
12:53 Because of her podcast ______.
14:01 Have you interviewed your clients on your podcast?
14:32 How do you keep going?
16:29 Favorite Piece of Feedback
17:36 Elizabeth shares about expectations in relationships
20:43 Advice for a new podcaster
22:20 You attract people who are like you.

My Favorite Takeaways

  • I want to be challenged because in that I learn.
  • If you don't want to roll an ankle don't play basketball if you don't want people to disagree with you Don't ever say anything out in public.
  • The advantage over email is people can listen to episode four. They can't read your fourth email. 
  • If you're having fun, stay in the game. Stay consistent.
  • Don't just do podcasting because podcasting is hot. It's only hot if you're really good at it.

Podcast Rewind

I appeared on The Brave Files  podcast with Heather Vickery talking about some of my biggest fears and how I overcome them. The show features people living courageously.

I also appeared on the Business of Podcasting show with Charley Valher. We talked about taking steps to make sure your podcast connects with your audience. Without a connection, you won't be able to monetize your show.

Profit From Your Podcast Pre-Order

30:29  Dave's book "Profit from your podcast" is being released 9/28. You can pre-order today. The book contains oroven strategies to turn listeners into a livelihood.

I Need Your Thoughts in Interesting

31:48 Right now, I'm obsessed with the word, Interesting. When you hear the word interesting, what comes to your mind? If someone who spoke another language and asked you to explain what Interesting mean, how would you describe it. Feel free to “riff” on your thoughts of interesting, and explain any examples of content you feel is interesting. I need your answer by September 25th, 2020. Go to


Mentioned In This Podcast

Elizabeth Benton on the Logical Weight Loss Podcast

Elizabeth Benton's Book "Chasing Cupcakes" on Amazon and Audible

Elizabeth Benton's website Primal Potential and Podcast

Primal Potential Episode on Expectations

Question of the Month

Start Your Podcast at the School of Podcasting

Amazon Music adds Podcasting on YouTube

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