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March 29, 2021

I Wish I Had Known This When I Started Podcasting

I Wish I Had Known This When I Started Podcasting

It's the last week of the month which means, "Question of the Month" where YOU get to be on the show. This month's question is "What do you wish you had known when you started your podcast." SPONSOR: The School of Podcasting Learn to plan, launch,...

It's the last week of the month which means, "Question of the Month" where YOU get to be on the show. This month's question is "What do you wish you had known when you started your podcast."

SPONSOR: The School of Podcasting

Learn to plan, launch, grow, and monetize your show. You'll sound great, organized, and create GREAT content. Take advantage of our step-by-step tutorials, live group coaching, and private Facebook group filled with brilliant podcasting minds.

Because of My Podcast: Fred Castaneda

The No Agenda streaming service found Fred's show the 2030 Podcast and added it to their schedule. 

What I Wish I Had Known

04:31 Steve Stewart: Audacity At Zero Crossing
07:13 Kurt from Expats in Austin: The Importance of Editors
08:21 James from Bros and blokes - The Amount of Time
09:21 Kim Newlove from the Pharmacists Voice - Fitting Podcasting Into Life
11:18 Jill Keep the Flame Alive - It Takes a LOT of Time
12:06 Paul from Improve and Have Fun: Episode Length
13:30 York from Poetic Earthlings: The Evil of Comparison
15:11 Bill from Bill Watches Movies: Stats Are Useless
17:32 Paul from Improve and Have Fun:: Do Whatever You Want
18:47 Carrie from Hope for Anxiety and ODC It is EASY to Get Guests
20:11 Craig from Inglespodcast - Cohosts Makes Things Better
21:00 Arnie Sports History Network - More Networking
22:49 Kim from Bee Keeping Today - Reaching Your Target Audience is Hard
23:20 Seth Geekville Radio - Plugins For WordPress
25:30 Anthony from Route 66 - Post vs Pages
26:16 Join the School of Podcasting
27:14 Kris from the Kris and Kristine Show - How Podcasts Work
29:19 Joe the Morning Meditation- Writing Good Titles
30:22 Jeff the Podcast Pizza Show - The Power of the Niche
32:10 Glenn from Horse Radio Network - Started Side Hustles
32:58 Dave (me) - Do ONE GOOD Podcast
34:29 Kim from Toastmasters 101 Impostor Syndrome
35:25 Pashup from the Warrior One - Be Yourself
36:13 Next Months Question: Finding Co-Hosts
37:53 Fixing a Mistake
43:17 Bloopers

Mentioned In This Episode

Podcast Engineering Academy

Smart Money Mommas