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Oct. 12, 2009

If You Spell it - You Can Smell it

If You Spell it - You Can Smell it

On today's brief show, I explain how I took the name “Podcast Fast Pass” (say that out loud) from the “Fast Pass” idea at Disney Land (where you can legally cut in line). Well after a year or so, I finally changed the name as I had to...

On today's brief show, I explain how I took the name “Podcast Fast Pass” (say that out loud) from the “Fast Pass” idea at Disney Land (where you can legally cut in line). Well after a year or so, I finally changed the name as I had to over-pronounce the name every time I used it.

My consulting service is not under Podcast Mechanic at Which makes more sense to people. Everyone understands what a mechanic can do for cars, etc. and that's what I do for podcasts.

I also revisit the “podcasting is dead” discussion. I do not have a feud with Leo Laporte. I just hate it when anyone says podcasting is dead as potential podcasters may change their mind about starting a podcast.

Here are some new Podcasting Statistics

On 9/24/04 a search for the word “podcasts” resulted in 24 hits. Now it returns 60,700,000 results. To bad Leo Laporte thinks podcasting is dead. I’m sure he’ll say it again at the blog world expo in a few weeks.

Well a new report from Wizzard Media shows that podcast listeners are up from 15 million to 18 million. Here are some samples of that report:

Wizzard Media (NYSE Amex: WZE), the world’s largest podcasting network, today announced that for the third quarter of 2009 the Wizzard Media Network saw total podcast download requests of 332 million vs. 287 million in the third quarter of 2008, an increase of 45 million.

The number of podcast shows on the Wizzard Media Network grew from 11,600 at the end of the second quarter of 2009 to 12,281 shows at the end of the third quarter of 2009. Podcasters pay Wizzard Media to use its publishing platform and work with Wizzard to monetize their show through brand advertising and more recently, content sales (Apps).

Adam Corolla got fired from radio (After replacing Howard Stern) started a podcast and never skipped a beat. To bad podcasting is dead. Oh wait, the same company that fired him is now co-producing his podcast and will help sell sponsorships. Carolla is averaging 130,000 listeners.

In the third quarter of 2009 Wizzard delivered over 12.7 million podcast advertisements, its second-highest quarterly total on record and an increase of 130% from 5.5 million ads in the third quarter of 2008.