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June 25, 2018

Is Anyone Reading Your Podcast Show Notes?

Is Anyone Reading Your Podcast Show Notes?

I received 360 responses to this question, and if you do read show notes (better known as a description of what is in the podcast) what are you looking for. Comments? 888-563-32228 Because of My Podcast I Got to Appear on TV 1:45  Edward Schmitz...

I received 360 responses to this question, and if you do read show notes (better known as a description of what is in the podcast) what are you looking for.

Comments? 888-563-32228

Because of My Podcast I Got to Appear on TV

1:45  Edward Schmitz from was featured on a TV show in Brazil.

Make Money as a School of Podcasting Affiliate

4:30 Kim Kraji ( from ) explains why she became a School of Podcating Affiliate (and I set up for her to send her traffic). If someone signs up she earns a commission for every month they stay subscribed. Go to and sign up today.

[spp-tweet tweet="Only 38 percent of people may be reading podcast show notes"]

Your Podcast Show Notes: What To Include, How Long, and is Anybody Reading Them?

6:35 I put up some polls and ask you to send in your responses to and here is what I got

Out of 360 responses,  136 (38%) look at show notes, and 224 (62% fo not

8:33 Carey Green of feels show notes are important. He is surprised how many people don't put their social links in their show notes.

12:22 John from the Hate to Weight Show ( ) also wants social links and links to anything (like a video) mentioned in the episode.

14:38 Eliquite from the Travel Gluten Free Podcast ( ) is looking for resources. She hates show notes with one giant paragraph.

17:11 John from (a podcast about how to win at gambling) also looks at show notes and is deeply disappointed when you say you will put it in the show notes and you don't.

18:34 Win Charles from Ask Win hates it when you put a link to your website. She loves the show notes from

19:55 Shawn from Stories For Starters ( ) is looking for things that he wants to follow up (links, etc)

22:58 (Live from Books a Million ) Jill From likes show notes to go back and review

24:49 The host of the new podcast actually would rather read than listen

25:53 Kim from will read the show notes when they are emailed to her.

27:26 Tim from the doesn't really look at them, but when he does he's looking links

28:49 Lee from loves to use show notes for a resource.

30:34 James from www.podnews.not does NOT look at show notes. I interviewed James a few episodes ago.

James wrote a great article called How podcast show notes display in 19 different apps )

In that article he recommends:

  • Always show links with the URL visible. These links will be clickable in Apple Podcasts and will be visible - if not clickable - in every app. Using word links won't always work.
  • Formatting, like using of the strong tag, may be ignored by many podcast apps. Ensure your show notes don't require this to be faithfully shown.
  • Be aware that accented characters may not display correctly.


  • The name of the person/guest
  • Links to the guest site
  • ANY website mentioned
  • Links to videos or any resources mentioned
  • Social Media Links for people to connect with you
  • Readability (use subheadings to break up lots of texts)

July Question of the Month: Email List and Tools

41:50 Do you have an email list? If so how big is it? What system/tools do you use? Any tricks on growing your list.

Go to and use "July Question" if you want to record something and send it in via email (I do prefer audio over email)

The Importance of Your Episode Title / Headline

42:31 I read an article that said 8 out of 10 people will actually read your headline, but only two out of 10 will read the article (this was about blogs), but it goes to show you how important your headlines are. In podcasting, the title of your blog post or your episode is your headline. There is a cool tool called Fresh Title. I have video demonstration at there is also a cool plugin from Thrive themes that you put in multiple headlines and it tests and uses the best headline.

Where Does the Apple iTunes Summary Appear?

44:26 The Apple iTunes summary is just a few sentences that appear above the player. It is NOT a case where it is either the iTunes Summary or the Description BOTH appear. When making your Headline and Title for Appel Podcasts, do NOT put the episode number of the name of your show in the title (they just want the TITLE in the title). Put the episode number in the episode number field.


Pipa Transcriptions are 70% Accurate

47: 10 As we are talking about show notes, some of you may be thinking about transcripts. It appears that transcripts are "You get what you pay for." I recently tested the transcriptions and found that the one from the media host pipa was 70% accurate.  See

Mentioned in This Episode # 624

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Transcription Accuracy test

Kyle Gray book The Story Engine: An entrepreneur's guide to content strategy and brand storytelling without spending all day writing

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