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Dec. 11, 2017

Lessons and Observations from PodCon

Lessons and Observations from PodCon

I attended the first ever PodCon in Seattle this weekend. It was cofounder by who are who have a successful , Joseph Fink from , Justin and Travis McElroy (). I went to the opening ceremonies with close to 1000 people in the room that reported any...

I attended the first ever PodCon in Seattle this weekend. It was cofounder by Hank and John Green who are You tubers who have a successful Dear Hank and John show, Joseph Fink from Welcome to Nightvale, Justin and Travis McElroy (My brother, My brother and Me).

I went to the opening ceremonies with close to 1000 people in the room that reported any of these people came on the stage. They had other podcasters as well. They were asked questions and were all very witty. When asked about any weird jobs they had done in the past one person answered “Youth Pastor” and the audiences erupted into laughter with people falling out of their seats.

I stood there grinning. I realized that there was an inside joke but I was not inside to get it. The only way to get inside is to talk to as many people as I could.

Lollapalooza for Podcasting
As the music business is having a hard time, many bands now tour together as a festival. These bands may not bring enough people out to support a solo show, but combine them together you have enough people to warrant the expense of the tour. You then get the added cross-promotion benefits.

I found out that ar events like ComicCon and DragonCon people dress up like their favorite characters. This was happening at PodcCon. What some might call “Weird,” is actually called cosplay as many people dressed as characters (especially from the Adventure Zone show, and Welcome to Nightvale ).

One of the great things about a podcast event like podcast movement or Podfest multi media nations expo is everyone there wants to learn podcasting. When I attend these, I am with my people. When the people with elf ears walked in, I’m sure they felt the same.

The sessions I attended were not awful, except one. I was surprised at the lack of experience on some of the panels. The panel on monetization announced they had a combined level of 2.5 years. This probably explains why the only two ways they listed to make money from your podcast was sponsors and Patreon. There are also affiliates, selling your own products, donations.

Because Of My Podcast - I'm Talking To People Who I Thought Would Never Talk to Me

17:17 Kira and Kenza are on episode four and have had their podcast open doors to people they never thought would talk to them. Check them out at

A Quick Tip To Grow Your Audience from Drew Ackerman of the Sleep With My Podcast

32:40 When you reply to an email, tweet, comment, thank everyone for listening, and then ask them how they found your show. If it was from another person (word of mouth) find that person and thank them and ask them how they found your show. Check out Drew at and check out Drew's interview with Dave.

Mentioned In This Show

My brother, My brother and Me

Dear Hank and John show

Welcome to Nightvale

Adventure Zone show

Sleep With My Podcast

Podfest Portable Media Expo (in Florida)

Blue Yeti Microphones (Best Podcasting Gear)

Social Media Marketing World

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