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Nov. 3, 2014

More Audello Worries - Updating Feed questions

More Audello Worries - Updating Feed questions

More Audello Worries - Updating Feed questions

Today we have a fun toy from my audience, we discover new podcasts with Ben Kruger, as talk about more things to worry about when it comes to Audello, and I answer your questions about the School of Podcasting and changing your podcast information in iTunes. Call into the show at 888-563-3228



Because of my podcast - I can listen to podcasts in the Shower

Waterproof Hands-free Bluetooth Speaker
A listener from CHINA sent me a bluetooth speaker that allows me to listen to podcasts in the show. Thank you Kevin Deng for the cool gift. I plug it into a usb device (like my computer) to charge it, then there is a suction cop on the back and I can stick it to the shower wall. My iphone can connect to the show via bluetooth. I can pause, skip, and stop the podcasts right on the player. If someone calls the device turns into a speaker phone. That would be weird to take a call in the shower. When the power is getting low, the device tells you to charge it.

Thanks so much to Kevin. I am really loving it.


Reverse Engineering Podcast Listeners [4:15]

I was curious how people FIND podcasts. We all obsess about iTunes, Stitcher, and other directories. In many cases the podcasts I listen to did not get on my phone by me doing a search. Colin Gray from Podcraft ( who does a show about podcasting says that word of mouth seems to be the main way he has found podcasts. Colin is the 6th person to tell me about the Startup podcast which is a story of a person starting a podcast network to create shows that tell stories. It's very interesting, and the producer used to produce This American Life (one of the top rated podcasts in iTunes).

What was your Absolutely Favorite Podcast in 2005?

I did this last year. If you could only listen to ONE podcast, what would it be. Please give me:

1. The name of the show

2. The website address

3. A brief description of the show

4. WHY you listen (this is the biggie)

5. Then tell us briefly about your show. Be sure to include your website address.

My plan (like last year) is to have these transcribed and turned into a PDF. I'm also going to take last year's submissions and combine them in with this years submissions and turn them into a book for sale on Amazon. So you will get your voice played on my podcast, you will be in the PDF and in the Kindle book. I am taking submissions in November 2014. This way I can assemble it in December with the episode being played at the end of the year (12/28/14).

You can call them in 888-563-3228, record an email them to me (128 mp3), or using the speakpipe button below.


Last 5 in 5 with Ben Kruger [10:15]

1. Time Ferris Show

2. Marketing In Your Car

3. Tropical MBA

4. Authority Alchemy

5. Authority Engine (Ben's show as we couldn't count)

Dave Jackson on New Media Show [17:15]

A podcast host will not bring you more listeners. A new mixer will not bring your more listeners (unless you sound is really bad).

I appeared on the New Media Show with Rob Greenlee and Todd Cochrane talking about the New Media Expo (as I'm the Director of Podcasting) but we also started to talk about Soundcloud. Rob shared that their RSS feeds are oftn not compliant and missing itunes specs. You can subscribe to the New Media Show in itunes using this link.

Podcast Review Show [22:10]

We review the Gospel Light and Truth Hour on the latest episode of the Podcast Review Show. If you are looking to have two experts with a combine experience of 30 years give you unbiased feeback on your show, get your podcast reviewed.


Is Audello False Advertising? [25:10]

I spoke last week about Audello and how their claims are exaggerated and that you can do a lot of what they are doing with free software. It was released this week to the tune of $297. That is crazy. I signed up as an Affiliate so I could hopefully get a closer look. Once approved, I saw videos where they have you submitting a feed created by Audello to iTunes. This makes me worried. I asked their support if there was a way to redirect their feed in the event you want to stop using their service. The support response wasn't certain of what I was talking about, and they said if it didn't exist they could always create it. Then a listener sent me a screenshot of John Lee Dumas commenting on Audello as they are using his image on their site. The bad new is John is NOT USING THEIR SYSTEM.

John  Lee Dumas on Audello

When I see a company do this (in the same way that puts people on their front page that aren't using their service it's to make them look better than they are. This is false advertising.

Audello has a generous affiliate program so be careful as everyone is going to be saying this is the best thing since sliced bread (because they want that affiliate commission). If you go in, go in with your eyes wide open.

Changing Your Information in iTunes [25:00]

Every Saturday I do a live call in show called Asked the Podcast Coach. This week we took a week off to work on the New Media Expo. So I'm answering some question here.

Your show titles are the headline of your episodes. They are very important. Write them with words that entice people to click and listen. If you're going to put numbers in your show title, I highly recommend you put them at the end of the title.

If you swap out the image, it won't cause an issue. Make it s 2048X2048 jpg image. I would not use the exact same name as the file you are replacing.

You should be subscribed to your show so you can make sure your feed is working.

Questions About the School of Podcasting

Is this meant for people who are absolutely new to podcasting?  Yes. Absolutely. Also while books and youtube videos are great. If you have any questions you have email support with fast responses to any questions you might have.

What is covered? The main courses are planning your podcast, recording your podcast (software, microphones, mixers), building your website, publishing your podcast, promoting your podcast, and monetizing your podcast. There are a lot of tutorials. You have access to all of them the minute your sign up.

Do you have any information about using your iPhone as a recording device? If you find any information missing from the School of Podcasting I will create it. In this case I usually will discuss what you need via email to make sure you're getting the right items.

What is up with the Pricing? The first month is more because you can come in and consume everything and leave. If you stick around you can enjoy the great things like our private Facebook Group, and participate in our live "office hour" phone calls where we all share with each other and ask and answer questions.


Dave Jackson is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to