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Jan. 6, 2020

Podcast Launch Reality Check

Podcast Launch Reality Check

Every January I get people who want to start a podcast and I am glad to help them, but there are some people who have absolutely unrealistic expectations. Today I want to talk about what to expect.  Every podcaster starts with the same two...

Every January I get people who want to start a podcast and I am glad to help them, but there are some people who have absolutely unrealistic expectations. Today I want to talk about what to expect. 

Every podcaster starts with the same two things: 

A) No audience

B) Integrity

I Can't Make the Podcast Filled with Lies

00:00:19.728 Podcast Piggy Bank

Can You Answer the Question?

00:02:52.782 The Scariest Podcast Question
00:04:51.045 Who Are You Talking To?
00:06:47.223 Targeting Your Audience

How Many Download Should I Expect When I launch?

I asked many different groups of podcasters and asked them how many downloads did they get for their first episode after one week. It wasn't 1000, or 500. It wasn't 100 or even 50. From what I've seen and heard very few people I talked to got more than twenty downloads to their first podcast after the first week. While you typically measure a podcast episode after a month of downloads, I wanted to let people know what to expect after a week.

00:09:58.450 How many downloads to episode 1?

How Can I Make the Most While Working the least?

00:12:53.681 First of the year problems
00:15:22.916 How long does it take to be profitable?
00:17:18.811 Why Businesses Fail
00:18:27.966 Do any businesses succeed?

If All You Can Aford is Free - You Have Other Issues That Need Your Attention

00:21:48.925 If Free is the Only Option - Then Pause is the Solution

Because of My Podcast

00:28:47.815 Paul explains how he got to meet one of his podcasting heroes. 

January Question of the Month

00:32:12.381 This month we have two versions of the question. If you don't have a podcast, what is holding you back? If you DO have a podcast, what do you plan on doing differently in 2020? Go to 

I need your answers by 1/24/20.

Where I Will Be


January 11th
National Speakers Association 
Waltham, MA

Ready to Get Your Message Out There?

I'm ready to help you and look forward to working with you. Go to

Mentioned in This Episode

Make Noise: A Creator's Guide To Podcasting and Great Audio Storytelling

How long does it take to make money

Another example of how long it takes

Beyond Powerful Radio: Valerie Geller