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Aug. 22, 2016

Podcast Q & A From Podcast Movement

Podcast Q & A From Podcast Movement

How Do I Grow My Audience? Know Who Your Audience Is Know What They Want Go Where They Are Make Friends With Them and Bring Value to Your Conversations Tell them About Your Show Make it Is To Find, Share, and Remember How Long Should My Podcast Be? ...

How Do I Grow My Audience?

  • Know Who Your Audience Is
  • Know What They Want
  • Go Where They Are
  • Make Friends With Them and Bring Value to Your Conversations
  • Tell them About Your Show
  • Make it Is To Find, Share, and Remember

How Long Should My Podcast Be?

  • Don't do the "Dave Jackson Power Hour" if you only have 18 minutes of content.
  • There is no such thing as too long , only too boring (Valeria Geller - Beyond Powerful Radio)

How Do You Handle Headlines When You Have Multiple Topics in a Show?

  • For me, I've just been taking the topic that I think reached my audience the best and use that as the "Main" Headline

Do I Have Any Tips For Doing a Live Show?

  • If you're worried about looking stupid don't go live
  • I use to stream live.
  • Realize you will have people who want to ruin you show.
  • You MIGHT get 5% of your audience live.
  • Live is addicting because it's instant feedback
  • If you are looking for your audience to provide the content, remember when you start you don't have an audience.

Should I put My Face Out There?

  • If you are the brand it might be a good idea
  • I might think twice if I was a woman as guys are creepy

What Do You Think About Regional Podcast?

  • I would love to start a local podcast
  • I think getting local advertisers would be easy

What is the Biggest Mistake When it Comes to Making Content?

  • Guessing What Your Audience Wants
  • Including personal family details
  • You need to know WHY you are doing your podcast. You can talk about what your audience, but if that topic doesn't line up with your goal it could cause issues.

What Are the Beginning Stages of Podcasting Like - What Can I expect?

  • You can answer every email, every comment, every tweet
  • You are "the host" and that carries weight when you reach out to your audience
  • 50% of people get more than 150ish downloads and 50% get more.
  • The average is around 2000.
  • Mentioned The 27 Steps to start a Podcast

What I Started a Podcast About Topic A, and Your Audience Wants to Hear About Topic B?

  • If you want to talk about that subject, and that topic aligns with your goal then follow your audience
  • If the topic is something you DON'T Want to talk about then don't. It will come through to your audience, and if you're not excited about the subject it will come through.
  • When you try to do something that is not yourself it is hard, and you will start dreading creating your podcast.

I'm an Accountant, and sometimes People Don't Want To Hear What They Need to Hear...

  • Not everyone can handle the truth.
  • Those people who like you will like you, and those that don't won't.
  • When delivering not so great information back it up with your research,  and facts that you are using to shape your opinion.

How Do I Come Back After a Long Hiatus?

  • The same way you started. Know what your audience wants, and press record.
  • Don't start off your show with an apology.

Troubleshooting Your Podcast Sound - Separate Your Gear Into Pieces

I have not been happy with my sound for the last few months. I seemed to pick up some hiss along the way. I went direct into my Zoom H5 recorder and the his was reduced. I then knew it was something in the mixer. From there tried using a different channel (it didn't fix it). I then switched the cabled from going to the 1/4" out of my Behringer Xeynx 1832 mixer (into the line in of the recorder) to the XLR out of the mixer into the xlr in of m mixer.

I'm going to be slimming down my mixer as I don't need anything that beefy anymore (I used a big chunk of it when I have the live phone call in show).

What is it Like To Have a Film Crew Come to Your House

The crew from the Messengers Documentary came to my apartment to interview me. It was pretty crazy. The crew is so professional. They hit a snag when their flight got delayed, but they came through running on fumes. These guys have full time jobs and are fitting this movie into their schedule by (more or less) not sleeping at all. They got done filming here and drove to Kansas City to do more filming before flying back home to Florida. Amazing group of guys.

Support the documentary at

I also go to hang out with Angelo from and Daniel J Lewis from the Audacity to podcast. At the North East Ohio Podcasters Meetup the crew showed off some footage and I got to me Scott Sykora from the Beardcaster. Scott does a podcast about professional competitive "bearding". I have got to go checkout a competition they sound fascinating.

Upcoming Speaking Gigs

I will be speaking at Podcast Mid Atlantic (go to to save $10).

DC Podfest in November 4-5

I will also be speaking at Podfest in Florida in February 2017.  I will be having a meetup at Podfest.

Need Podcast Consulting?

Hire Dave for podcast consulting by going to sessions lengths can be as short as 15 minutes (great if you have just a few questions). 

This episode 528 appeared first at

Mentioned in This Show

Beyond Powerful Radio Book by Valerie Geller

Free Book at