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Feb. 20, 2013

Podcast Success: One Thing Leads To Another - Premium Podcast Tools - Auphonic Web Based Audio Tool

Podcast Success: One Thing Leads To Another - Premium Podcast Tools - Auphonic Web Based Audio Tool

Today we talk about setting up a premium podcast feed, what tools that I've used, (Thanks to for the question), in our interview segment we talk with Scott Eiland who start a little over a year ago. That podcast lead to him creating the "g" podcast....

Today we talk about setting up a premium podcast feed, what tools that I've used, (Thanks to Andrew for the question), in our interview segment we talk with Scott Eiland who start the baseball experience a little over a year ago. That podcast lead to him creating the "This week in wrestling" podcast. That platform lead him to now getting paid to produce another sports based show. It didn't happen over night, and there were some lessons learned along the way. Scott Eiland understands the power of podcasting.

Auphonic Web Based Levelator

I've talked about the Levelator software before. It's good for leveling out audio where there are slight differences in volume between a podcast host and guest. It works on both Mac and PC. I learned about Auphonic at the New Media Expo. It's a pretty cool FREE tool, and that is web based and performs many of the same tasks that the levelator software does (and more). You can process a wav file or an mp3 (or other files) and that goes to output as well. It will add ID3 tags to your files and if you are trying to create chapters in an mp3 file it can do that as well. Check it out at

More Podcast Money #3 Book on Podcasting in Amazon

Thanks to everyone who has purchased the book More Podcast Money. I had a blast writing it and I'm glad people are finding it helpful. If you search books for "podcast" it is currently ranked #3. For more information go to

Premium Podcast Tools

Andrew  asked about creating a premium podcast where one part would be free, and the other (deeper) episode would be premium. In regards to protecting the files, I have used Wishlist in the past, but when I wanted to "Drip" content, there is nothing that beats the features and support of Digital Access Pass. It's not the cheapest tool on the planet, but its always getting better, and has TOP NOTCH support.  I liked the community around wishlist, but for me I wanted the dripping feature. I've also used Magic Members which wasn't bad (dripping) but not as easy as Digital Access Pass.

The other thing to think about is if you are breaking up an interview into parts, make sure each part can stand alone. I use to listen to a podcast that would just fade out the interview in the middle and ask you to subscribe. I found this just frustrated me. Also when you first start out you won't have an audience. Thus, you may be creating content for an audience that doesn't exist yet. With a tool like Digital Access Pass you can these in advance and have years worth of content ready to "Drip" when the audience does show up.

Dave on the Interview Circuit

Want to not only hear Dave Jackson but SEE him (with "Saturday hair!" ) check out this interview with Jim Collison on The Average Guy Network.

Dave comes back for a second episode on Music Radio Creative Podcast with Mike Russle where they talk about the future of podcasting.

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