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Nov. 4, 2007

Podcasting for Profit Author Leesa Barnes

Podcasting for Profit Author Leesa Barnes

OK, today I'm a little loopy. I spent the night in the emergency room (with ym girlfriend -she's fine), and in today's interview with Lessa Barnes I'm loopy as it was the end of Day 3 of the New Media Expo (and we were sleep deprived). We giggle...

OK, today I'm a little loopy. I spent the night in the emergency room (with ym girlfriend -she's fine), and in today's interview with Lessa Barnes I'm loopy as it was the end of Day 3 of the New Media Expo (and we were sleep deprived). We giggle our way through the interview (with some edits due to background noise). The bottom line is this seems like a really good book. The more I read the more I like.

Buy the book at or for more information and to read Leesa's blog about Podcasting (and free samples of the book) check out (new window). Her site features free chatpers, as well as links to all her blogs and more.