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April 21, 2013

Podcasting is HOT! - Grab Some Oven Mits

Podcasting is HOT! - Grab Some Oven Mits

I've been saying podcasting will change the world since 2005, and this week I had a spike in people starting podcasts. Why? Because a very popular Internet Marketing Conference with the typical players stated over and over how podcasting is THE THING...

I've been saying podcasting will change the world since 2005, and this week I had a spike in people starting podcasts. Why? Because a very popular Internet Marketing Conference with the typical players stated over and over how podcasting is THE THING that everyone should be doing. Then I heard it on another podcast, and another podcast. So today I'm saying, if you don't believe me, believe these other people: Michaels Stelzner of the Social Media Examiner (who gets 20,000 downloads per episode) that podcast is the hottest thing in 2013. Pat Flynn (who grew his audience by 20% in 2012) said that everyone at the Social Media Marketing Summt was "buzzing" about podcasting. Naresh Vissa on the speaking of wealth show said a podcast subscriber was worth around $25 while an email subscriber was worth $6 due to the action it takes it takes to subscribe. It's not as easy, and a podcast subscriber truly wants your content. Jason Harmanof the Hartman Media group said in 1999 when he wrote his first book he was telling people to drop everything and build a website. Now he is telling everyone to stop and get a podcast.

Podcast Success: Ray Ortega

Not only has ray Ortega landed a full time job podcasting, but this job recently sent Ray to the UK to spotlight an event on the podcast. While he was there Ray met up with Mike Russell of Music Radio Creative.

Podcaster's Roundtable 11" Podcasting Pruchases

Find out what experienced podcasters +Daniel J. Lewis, +Jeffrey Bradbury, Ray Ortega and myself would purchase if we were starting our first show and had the knowledge we now possess after years of producing podcasts. Based on experience in podcast production, we’ll take a mock budget and spend it on what we think are the most valuable items for starting a podcast.

Dave Jackson Interviewed on the Audacity to Podcast

The Audacity to Podcast Episode 122 titled "Niche podcasting for 100s of episodes, with Dave Jackson" where Daniel interviews me about being the first podcast about podcasting and how things have changed since then. We also talk about gear, and you get some tips on how I gather information for each episode.

Mentioned on This Episode

Episode 351 Podcast Answer Man More Podcast Money Building a Better Dave podcast Bacon Rant