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Jan. 30, 2017

Podcasting Pet Peeves of My Listeners

Podcasting Pet Peeves of My Listeners

Once a month this year, I'm going ask you a question and use those answers for an episode. I want to get to under you more, and in general get a better understand of what you like and dislike. This month I asked, "What are those things that make your...

Once a month this year, I'm going ask you a question and use those answers for an episode. I want to get to under you more, and in general get a better understand of what you like and dislike. This month I asked, "What are those things that make your go "Uggh" when listening to a podcast. They might make your even unsubscribe. SPONSOR: Emerald City Productions Get your first four episodes edited for $15 each (and only $40 after that – for shows up to 30 minutes). Just go to companies are charging $99 an episode)

What Makes You Unsubscribe From a Podcast?

Failure to Get to the Point

4:10 Haley Redke ( is not a fan of not getting to the point, and people that interrupt their guests. 5:33 Tracie Bonnick also hates when the podcast hosts hates it when the host of the podcast doesn't let the guest talk 6:05 Glenn the Geek Hebert of Horse Radio Network was on Podcast Junkies and said he hates it when the podcast hosts just runs down a list of questions 6:39 Brian Weber ( hates it when people don't get to the point 7:15 Ishamael Colderon - Hates long intro 7:43 John Wilkerson ( ) hates a super long intro 10:00 Daryl hates a ton of ads at the beginning (Joe Rogan?) as in three minutes of nothing but ads. 11:00 James Aaron of hates people talking to hear themselves talk. 11:53 From new Father Daniel J Lewis (YEAH NOODLE BABY) from the Audacity to Podcast said, "I go "ugh" when a conversation with a guest starts with "getting to know you" stuff. I don't care about the guest's background until after I care about their message."

12:40 Riding the Volume Knob

13:10 Kathe Kline from Rock Your Retirement goes nuts when she has to keep adjusting the volume 14:30 John Hilman hates it when the hosts and guest have WAY different volume levels. 15:50 Emily from The Story Behind Podcast - Four People Around One Microphone makes her turn off the show immediately. 17:20 Kuldrin Fire ( ) hates the word, "Right" and having to ride the volume knob, and he hates when hosts put down other hosts.

19:50 Inside Jokes

20:15 Emily from The Story Behind Podcast when they forget they have new listeners and talk about things from past episodes 20:53 Mark Des Cotes from the Resourceful Designer  (and it when TV Show podcasts refer to the actress name only (and not the character) 22:23 Emily from The Story Behind Podcast hates people who are note authentic and giant commercials.

Experts Who Don't Know What They're Talking About

24:00 Connie From the Small Business 101 Podcast couldn't believe the advice she heard about starting a business 27:00 Hall of Fame Podcaster Danny Peña from Gamer Tag Radio hates it when Podcasts about Podcasting promote the importance of New and Noteworthy (see ) 27:30 Cedric Green hates it when people Curse.( - coming soon). It unprofessional and you can't listen to it with kids in the car. 28:35 Emily from The Story Behind Podcast judges harshly when easy to remove ums are not removed. 30.17 Michael Blakston (Road Noises Podcast) hates mouth noises


32:00 Boomy Room Noise

33:14 Cheri Fields (Christian Science 4 Kids) had some show that were so boomy she couldn't understand the podcasters due to the room noise 35:07 Nivek Thompson of Real Democracy Now Podcast - hates when the host sounds like they are in a barn. 35:50 Chris Hache ( - If your podcast is not pleasing to my ears you are gone!

36:25 Things You Say That Drive Me Crazy

Try Price (Completely Comics) hates when a podcaster will "be right back." 37:12 Rob Kerns from Living the Vet Life - When a podcast is filled with complaints, but there are no solutions proposed. 38:55 Steve Stewart - hates it when people don't edit, and when people kinda, sort of, maybe, think about, taking action. 41:27 Cheri Fields (Christian Science 4 Kids) the ultimate pet peeve is when people can't listen to your show cause it doesn't work.

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